
What is the opposite of reading?

What is the opposite of reading?

What is the opposite of reading?

misunderstanding misinterpreting
misconceiving misconstruing
misperceiving misreading
not getting misknowing
confusing failing to understand

What is the opposite of 0?

Two numbers are opposites if they have the same absolute value but different signs. Opposites are the same distance from 0 on a number line, and they are on opposite sides of 0. The opposite of 0 is 0. The opposite of 5 is -5.

What is the opposite of rude?

Opposite Word of rude: “kind, mannerly, nice, polite, respectful”

What are two antonyms for rude?

antonyms of rude

  • decent.
  • gentle.
  • nice.
  • polite.
  • refined.
  • sophisticated.
  • exact.
  • gradual.

What is a stronger word for disrespectful?


  • discourteous,
  • ill-bred,
  • ill-mannered,
  • impertinent,
  • impolite,
  • inconsiderate,
  • rude,
  • thoughtless,

What is a fancy word for rude?

SYNONYMS FOR rude 1 uncivil, unmannerly, curt, brusque, impertinent, impudent, saucy, pert, fresh. 2 unrefined, uncultured, uncivilized, uncouth, coarse, vulgar, rough. 8 rustic, artless. 9 stormy, fierce, tumultuous, turbulent.

What means obnoxious?

1 : odiously or disgustingly objectionable : highly offensive.

What is the rude?

Rude describes a type of behavior that isn’t appropriate and usually isn’t very nice, either — like yelling “You stink!” at a children’s talent show. Rude refers to bad behavior or just plain bad manners. For example, children are taught to say “please” and “thank you” or they are considered rude.

What do you call a person with no manners?

The definition of impolite is a rude person, or someone without manners.

What are 10 good manners?

30 Manners Your Kids Should Know By Age 10

  • Saying “please” and “thank you.” It shows gratitude for the things others do for you.
  • Making introductions.
  • Covering your mouth when you sneeze or cough.
  • Not picking your nose in public.
  • Greeting visitors and say goodbye to them.
  • Asking for things instead of reaching for them.
  • Knocking on doors before entering a room.

Is it rude to call someone rude?

Telling a social equal that they’re being rude is usually considered rude. It’s seen as asserting inappropriate authority over them. (Eg: you may be seen as inappropriately treating an adult like a child.) It’s usually considered even ruder to tell someone above you in a hierarchy that they’re being rude.

What means boorish?

boorish, churlish, loutish, clownish mean uncouth in manners or appearance. boorish implies rudeness of manner due to insensitiveness to others’ feelings and unwillingness to be agreeable. a drunk’s boorish behavior churlish suggests surliness, unresponsiveness, and ungraciousness.

Is boorish a bad word?

boorish Add to list Share. If your cousin tells revolting jokes, belches, and smells like he spent the winter in a cave, he could be described as boorish — an adjective used for people with bad manners and a sloppy appearance. We almost always use the word boorish for men.

Is boorish a word?

adjective. of or like a boor; unmannered; crude; insensitive.

What is the opposite of boorish?

Antonyms: refined. Synonyms: piggy, porcine, neanderthal, neandertal, piggish, swinish, oafish, hoggish, loutish.

What is another word for boorish?

Some common synonyms of boorish are churlish, clownish, and loutish. While all these words mean “uncouth in manners or appearance,” boorish implies rudeness of manner due to insensitiveness to others’ feelings and unwillingness to be agreeable.

Is it OK to be rude?

When a person is being rude or hurtful to you or someone else. And lastly, if someone is being incredibly rude or hurtful it is always okay to be rude in response. This includes any words or behavior that are in anyway racist, misogynistic, or anything that is similarly hurtful or discriminatory.

How do you respond to rudeness?

How to Deal with Rudeness

  1. Show empathy and sympathy. This requires understanding why the person is being rude.
  2. Call the person out on his behavior.
  3. Don’t give airtime to the rude person.
  4. Avoid the rude person.
  5. Offer extra kindness.

What is considered to be rude?

At times a stand alone “what” can sound like a challenge, or give perception of a passive aggressive way of manipulating somebody to repeat themselves. If said occasionally, I do not think it is disrespectful, but if said so often that saying “what” is expected, it is annoying and yes disrespectful if on purpose.

Is if you say so rude?

Another offensive phrase: “If you say so.” This phrase is sarcasm in the form of insincere agreement. “If you say so” doesn’t mean that what’s being said is true – only that it’s being said. The top offensive phrase: “Shut up.” Simply put – It’s a harsh way to silence someone, and it conveys extreme disrespect.

Is saying gotcha rude?

I hate the phrase “gotcha.” Its used by rude people to abruptly end conversations. Maybe some of the people who say this are not intentionally rude, but it is still a bad habit. My neighbor’s overuse of this phrase is a reason I hate having conversations with him and avoid him.

Why is answering what rude?

First of all, answering abruptly sounds like interrupting, which is rude. Second, saying “What?” sounds like blaming the speaker either for making no sense or for not speaking clearly. Yet the problem may well lie with the recipient, who was not paying attention when the question was asked.

Why is asking rude?

It is easy to sound archaic or condescending, so take care where you use it. Beginning an answer with the word “why” is not inherently rude; the answer could be rude because of its content, of course.

Is it rude to say what Instead of pardon?

What have you done?” Pardon is used to apologise when you have done something socially unacceptable. “What” is plain rude. The correct form of speech if you don’t hear is “Excuse me I didn’t hear.” or “I’m sorry I didn’t hear”.

How do you respond politely?

How to respond politely when someone tells you something useful?

  1. thanks for letting me know.
  2. thanks for informing me.
  3. thanks for reminding me that.
  4. good to know.

What to say when someone tells you something you already know?

Acknowledge what they have said and change the topic. Telling them that you already know wouldn’t change the fact that they said it. It would only result in a potentially embarassing situation. I prefer to acknowledge the statement (“Oh alright”) and advance the conversation.

What is the reply of really?

reply to “really
Reply to “Really?”
Sound heard in response to really bad jokes
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