
What are the main categories of resources required to complete a proposed project?

What are the main categories of resources required to complete a proposed project?

Cost per use is a set fee used up to complete a task. There are three types of resources − work, material, and cost. Work resources − People and equipment to complete the tasks. Cost resources − Financial cost associated with a task.

What is one common way of concluding a set of instructions?

e. All of the above. What are two common ways of concluding a set of instructions? It’s important to revise, edit, and proofread instructions so that readers can complete the task safely.

What are the four basic communication modes you will use when you produce technical writing?

In short, when you produce technical communication you use the four basic communication skills-listening, speaking, reading, and writing-to analyze a problem, find and evaluate evidence, and draw conclusions.

Which is an effective sentence definition?

Answer: An effective sentence is one that conveys the point you want to make clearly and persuasively to your reader. A sentence is clear if it does not have grammar and spelling errors. Additionally, clarity means the sentence uses the most precise words possible and doesn’t have unnecessary wordiness.

How do you say conclude?

You can use the following expressions:

  1. To sum up,
  2. In summary,
  3. To conclude,
  4. In closing,
  5. Finally, it may be concluded…
  6. To summarize,
  7. All in all,
  8. Overall, it may be said…

What are the 3 types of conclusions?

In particular, embedded, retrospective, reflective, and projective forms are four main types of conclusions suitable for different academic papers.

  • Embedded Conclusion Example.
  • Retrospective Conclusion Paragraph Example.
  • Reflective Conclusion Sample.
  • Projective Concluding Paragraph.

What is a good conclusion for an essay?

The conclusion basically asks us to do a few things: Restate the main idea of the paper (why you wrote this entire long piece to begin with). Summarize all the key points you made throughout the body of the paper (things that proved your thesis statement).

What is a supportive sentence?

What are Supporting Sentences? The supporting sentences of a paragraph develop the main idea you presented in the topic sentence. When writing supporting sentences you should be giving examples, reasons, or descriptions to support your topic sentence. – They should NOT begin a new topic or introduce a new idea.

What are the different kinds of supporting sentences?

The 5 Types of Supporting Details

  • Facts and Statistics.
  • Sensory Details.
  • Examples.
  • Anecdotes (personal experiences and observations)
  • Reasons.

What is a supportive person?

It means wanting people to be by your side regardless of what about. Being supportive means being there when it counts most, and when it doesn’t. Having someone there to cheer you on, telling you that they’ll be there no matter what happens.

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