How do you integrate a quote example?

How do you integrate a quote example?

Examples include the words “says,” “said,” “states,” “asks,” and “yells.” But remember that there is no punctuation if the word “that” comes just before the quotation, as in “the narrator says that.”) Rule 3: If Rules 1 and 2 do not apply, do not use any punctuation between your words and the quoted words.

How do you embed text evidence?

10:11Suggested clip 101 secondsEmbedding Textual Evidence into your Writing: A Three Step …YouTubeStart of suggested clipEnd of suggested clip

How do you embed a quotation?

There are three strategies you can use to embed quotations: set off quotations, build in quotations, or introduce quotations with a colon. Set-off quotations are set off from the sentence with a comma. Capitalize the first word of the quote. Notice the signal phrases (in bold print) used in the following examples.

What is embedded dialogue?

Quotations from your sources should fit smoothly into your own sentences. This is called embedding or integrating quotations. Observe the difference between these sentences: It needs to be embedded into an existing sentence that is written in your own words.

What is embedded evidence?

These words and phrases are directly copied from the original text. You can copy selected words and phrases from an author’s work if you put quotation marks around them. These embedded quotations are called evidence because they illustrate or prove a statement you make about the author’s writing.

What does embedding mean?

Definition: Embedding refers to the integration of links, images, videos, gifs and other content into social media posts or other web media. Embedded content appears as part of a post and supplies a visual element that encourages increased click through and engagement.

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