
What is a integrative paper?

What is a integrative paper?

An integrative paper is a way for a student to show his current opinion regarding a certain subject matter at the present point in time. The integrative paper should contain the use of the word “I” frequently throughout the writing. Create a list of personal opinions regarding the topics for the integrative paper.

Can you start a paper with although?

1 Answer. There is no grammatical rule against using “although” at the beginning of a sentence or at the beginning of a paragraph….

How do you start a question?

If you want more information than a simple yes/no answer, you must ask a question starting with one of the following question words: what, where, when, why, which, who(m), whose, how. In this kind of question you also normally use an auxiliary or modal: What did you say?

How do you start a polite question?

Asking Indirect Questions to Be Especially Polite Using indirect question forms is especially polite. Indirect questions request the same information as direct questions, but they are considered more formal. Notice that indirect questions begin with a phrase (“I wonder,” “Do you think,” “Would you mind,” etc.)….

What is a polite way to ask for money?

3 Ways To Politely Ask For The Money That Someone Owes You

  1. You can ask them what use they have put the money to. This is obviously going to remind them that they owe you money, and in case it genuinely simply skipped their mind, the best case scenario will be that they return it right then and there.
  2. Ask them to cover for you someplace.
  3. Give them a polite reminder.

Can I ask you or may I ask you?

May I ask you a question? Asking for permission. In addition, “may” version is more polite than the “can” version. Realistically speaking, both ask for permission and neither is offensive, but yes, “may” is still more polite than “can.”…

Can polite request example?

Here are some better phrases to make polite requests in English:

  • “Do you mind…?.”
  • “Would you mind…?
  • “Could I…?”
  • “Would it be ok if…?”
  • “Would it be possible…?”
  • “Would you be willing to…?”

What is an example of a request sentence?

Simple Sentences used for Request : Do you think you could lend me some money? I wonder whether you could give me a car. I am sorry to trouble you but I need your help. I hope you don’t mind if l asked the money.

How do you write a polite email asking for sample?

Polite Close

  1. Thank you for your assistance.
  2. Thank you in advance for your help.
  3. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
  4. Please let me know if you have any questions.
  5. Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information.

How do you ask for something nicely?

Use “WOULD YOU DO ME A FAVOR.” This is often used and you must use it when you are asking for a special request or favor. Other phrases for asking something to someone nicely are “DO YOU MIND,” WOULD YOU MIND, COULD I, WOULD IT BE OK IF, WOULD IT BE POSSIBLE, WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO, etc.

How do you ask for something without being pushy?

6 Ways to Persuade Without Being Pushy

  1. Show them what they want and need. Often, talking through a point gets lost.
  2. Share positives and negatives. Sharing an opposing viewpoint or two is more persuasive than sticking solely to your argument.
  3. Be inquisitive.
  4. Find a good reason.
  5. Take yourself out of the equation.
  6. Be helpful.

How do you politely ask for a status update?

A polite way to request an update would be: “May I have an update, please?” “Hello, I hope that you’re having a good week. I was just following up on the ‘X’ report that we discussed.” or “Hi, Happy Friday!

Can I ask a Favour from you?

Asking for a favor refers to asking someone to do something for you. Use these phrases to politely ask for a favor. When someone asks you for a favor, you’ll have to either grant it (say yes) or refuse it (say no). Pay special attention to the form of the verb used in each case….

Can I ask you a favor or Favour?

Should I use favor or favour? These words are both correct and have the same meaning and usage. However, you should choose the spelling based on whether you use American or British English. Favor is the preferred spelling for American English….

How do you ask for a favor example?

Instead of saying, “I know you’re busy, but would you mind doing this for me?” say something like, “I just finished building a new bookshelf, and since you’re such a good carpenter, would you mind taking a look at it before I put it in the library?” The first example makes it seem like you’re asking the person to stop ……

Can I ask you a favor reply?

The polite way to ask is “can you do me a favour?” or “can I ask a favour?”, but that aside, in that context then appropriate responses could be “sure” or “of course” or “yes, what is it?” or “if I can” or “it depends on the favour” – these are all valid and normal (and there are many other options)….

Can you do me a favor polite?

3 Answers. They are both correct the only difference is that saying could is more polite to say than can when asking for a favour. Both of them are good, but ‘could’ is more polite….

How do you reply to Can I ask you something?

What’s the most polite way to answer “can I ask you a question?” If you’re willing to hear them out, then “Yes, you may” is polite, formal and grammatically correct. You are not obligated to answer their question if you don’t want to. You said you’d listen, not that you’d reveal private information.

How do you reply to Can you help me?

Formal ways – At work, it is always better to reply formally.

  1. Welcome: is a formal way of saying you are ready to help someone.
  2. Certainly: a very affirmative reply.
  3. Of course: another way of saying certainly.
  4. That’s absolutely fine: it means you are okay with helping someone.
  5. It is nothing: that means it is a small task.

How do you say please reply in a formal way?

  1. An early reply would be appreciated.
  2. I look forward to your reply.
  3. I look forward to hearing from you.
  4. I would appreciate a reply at your earliest convenience.
  5. Your earliest attention would be appreciated.

How do you politely ask for help?

Asking for a favour / help politely (video included)

  1. Could / Would you do me a favour?
  2. Could I ask / bother / trouble you + infinitive?
  3. Could you / Would you + base form of verb + please?
  4. Could you + possibly + verb?
  5. Would you mind + verb-ing?

How do I ask for help?

How to Ask for Help When You Need It

  1. Demonstrate you’ve tried.
  2. Seek collaboration.
  3. Be specific.
  4. Stay engaged.
  5. Know that most people enjoy helping.
  6. Ask privately, praise publicly.
  7. Give help to get help.
  8. Lead from within: Asking for help isn’t easy, but it is necessary if you want to be as effective and productive as you know you can be.
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