How do you cite a dissertation in-text?

How do you cite a dissertation in-text?

When you decide to cite a dissertation or thesis, you’ll need to look for the following information to use in your citation:

  1. Author’s last name, and first and middle initials.
  2. Year published.
  3. Title of thesis or dissertation.
  4. If it is unpublished.
  5. Publication or document number (if applicable; for published work)

How do you in-text cite a script in MLA?

For in-text references, cite the script by the author’s last name and cite the performance by the performance name, in accordance with the works-cited-list entries.

How do I cite a doctoral thesis?

Reference format for unpublished thesis/dissertation: Author, A. A. (date). TItle of doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis (Unpublished doctoral dissertation or master’s thesis). Name of Institution, Location. Give the correct full name of the university, not its abbreviation or brand name.

How do you cite a government report?

Government / Official Publication

  1. Name of government department or committee.
  2. Year of publication (in round brackets).
  3. Title (in italics).
  4. Place of pulication: publisher.
  5. Series or paper number (in brackets) – if applicable.

How do you cite a secondary source?

Your in-text citation should include both authors: the author(s) of the original source and the author(s) of the secondary source. For example: (Habermehl, 1985, as cited in Kersten, 1987). In your reference list you should provide the details of the secondary source (the source you read).

How do you cite a secondary source in MLA?

To cite a source from a secondary source, mention both the original and secondary sources in the text, and list only the secondary source in the works-cited list entry. MLA requires you to use the abbreviation qtd. in (“quoted in”) before the indirect source you cite in your parenthetical reference.

What is an example of a secondary source?

Common examples of secondary sources include academic books, journal articles, reviews, essays, and textbooks.

What are primary and secondary evidence?

1) Primary Evidence is original document which is presented to the court for its inspection. Secondary Evidence is the document which is not original document but those documents which are mentioned in Section.

What does secondary evidence mean?

Secondary evidence is evidence that has been reproduced from an original document or substituted for an original item. For example, a photocopy of a document or photograph would be considered secondary evidence. Courts prefer original, or primary, evidence. They try to avoid using secondary evidence wherever possible.

What documents are not admissible as evidence?

It held that the secondary data found in CD’s, DVD’s, and Pendrive are not admissible in the Court proceedings without a proper authentic certificate according to Section 65B(4) of the Indian Evidence Act, 1872.

What is considered admissible evidence?

Admissible evidence, in a court of law, is any testimonial, documentary, or tangible evidence that may be introduced to a factfinder—usually a judge or jury—to establish or to bolster a point put forth by a party to the proceeding.

How do you prove documents?


  1. By admission of the person who wrote or signed the document.
  2. By calling a person in whose presence the document was signed or written(ocular evidence/attesting witness)

Is oral evidence admissible?

For oral evidence to be admissible it only accepts the rule of first-hand knowledge. It only includes what is directly seen, heard and perceived by a person. For this reason, Hearsay has been excluded from Oral Evidence.

What is a oral evidence?

Generally, spoken evidence given by a witness in court, usually under oath. Oral evidence includes evidence that, by reason of any disability, disorder, or other impairment, a person called as a witness gives in writing or by signs or by way of any device. See also video evidence.

What is hearsay rule?

The rule prohibiting hearsay (out of court statements offered as proof of that statement) from being admitted as evidence because of the inability of the other party to cross-examine the maker of the statement.

What is oral evidence in history?

It may take the form of eye-witness evidence about the past, but can include folklore, myths, songs and stories passed down over the years by word of mouth. While it is an invaluable way of preserving the knowledge and understanding of older people, it can also involve interviewing younger generations.

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