
What size font should a title page be?

What size font should a title page be?

Acceptable fonts are Times New Roman, 12 pt. or Courier New, 12 pt. Title Page: APA style requires a title page. The title, author, and institution are centered on the page. Margins: All margins — top, bottom, left, and right — are set to 1” throughout the paper.

How should a title page look in APA format?

The title page should contain the title of the paper, the author’s name, and the institutional affiliation. A professional paper should also include the author note. A student paper should also include the course number and name, instructor name, and assignment due date.

How do you have a header and page number in Word?

Use the Page field code to insert page numbers

  1. Double-click the header or the footer area (near the top or bottom of the page).
  2. Go to Header & Footer > Field.
  3. In the Field names list, Select Page, and then select OK.
  4. To change the numbering format, go to Header & Footer > Page Number > Format Page Numbers.

How do I insert a running head and page number in Word?

Go to the menu, at the top of the page, under Header and Footer Tools, click the box that says Different first page. Your cursor should now be at the top of page 1 in the header box. Set the cursor just to the left of the number 1 and type Running head: and then your abbreviated title in all caps.

How do I insert a running head and page number in Word 2010?

Q. How can I get both the running head and the page number to appear on the same line in MS Word?

  1. Go to your title page.
  2. Choose the Insert menu in Word:
  3. In the Insert menu, select Page Number, then Top of Page:
  4. Choose Plain Number 3 from the list of options:

Where does the page number go in APA citation?

The Basics

  1. For in-text citations, the page number always appears in brackets at the end of the sentence where you used the citation.
  2. If the source has no page number, use the paragraph number or section heading instead.
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