
How do you write a discussion for a literature review?

How do you write a discussion for a literature review?

As well as giving your own interpretations, make sure to relate your results back to the scholarly work that you surveyed in the literature review. The discussion should show how your findings fit with existing knowledge, what new insights they contribute, and what consequences they have for theory or practice.

What’s a discussion essay?

A discussion essay, also known as an argumentative essay, is one where you take a position on an issue. Start by taking a side, researching your topic, and outlining your essay before launching into the introduction and your thesis statement.

How do you answer a discussion question?

Discuss. ‘Discuss’ question words typically require an in-depth answer that takes into account all aspects of the debate concerning a research topic or argument. You must demonstrate reasoning skills with this type of question, by using evidence to make a case for or against a research topic/argument.

What is discussion in academic writing?

Definition. The purpose of the discussion is to interpret and describe the significance of your findings in light of what was already known about the research problem being investigated and to explain any new understanding or insights that emerged as a result of your study of the problem

What are the advantages of reading discussion text?

Discussion text will see and elaborate the issue from the different point of view. It presents pro and contra opinion on certain issue. One side is agreeing the issue, the other is disagreeing. The different point of views, according to the generic structure, is the heart of the discussion text.

How do you write a persuasive discussion?

The Five-Step Writing Process for Persuasive Essays

  1. Choose a position. Students should think about the issue and pick the side they wish to advocate.
  2. Understand the audience.
  3. Do the research.
  4. Identify the most convincing evidence, as well as the key points for the opposing view.

What makes a discussion text different from the other text?

Discussion text is defined as a text to present a problematic discourse. The problem will be discussed from different viewpoints. The are some supporting arguments as well as against arguments. A discussion text is commonly found in philosophical, historic, and social writing.

What is the genre type of the text?

Definition: A text genre is a type of written or spoken discourse. Discussion: Texts are classified into genres on the basis of the intent of the communicator….Text Genre.

Text genre Communicator’s intent is to . . .
Expository Explain something.
Hortatory Encourage someone to do something.

What is meant by review text?

Review text is an evaluation of publication, such as a movie, video game, musical composition, book; a piece of hardware like a car, home appliance, or computer; or an event or performance, such as a live concert, a ply, musical theater show or dance show

What is the characteristic of recount text?

a recount text is a text that telling the reader about one story, action or activity. Its goal is to entertaini ng or informing the reader. b. Orientation tells who was involed, what happened, where the events took place, and when it happened.

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