Is Taylor and Francis Scopus indexed?
Taylor & Francis have over 2,300 journals indexed in Scopus, 930 of which rank in the top 25%. What’s more, we have more journals listed in ‘Education’ than any other publisher.
Is Taylor and Francis free?
What content do you offer in my subject area? With more than 2,700 journals in dozens of specialist subjects, Taylor & Francis content is a key resource for individuals and teams across corporate markets. The free trial allows you to discover our journal content without restriction for a limited time.
Is Taylor and Francis credible?
Publish in a Taylor & Francis Journal Their history as a reputable publisher and high ratings mean their journals are well known by researchers. This means that journal articles published in Taylor & Francis journals are more likely to be discovered and read.
How do I find a suitable journal for publication?
Tools for Finding a Journal for Publication
- Elsevier Journal Finder.
- EndNote Match: Find the Best Fit Journals for Your Manuscript.
- Journal/Author Name Estimator (JANE)
- Publish or Flourish Open Access.
- Springer Journal Suggester.
- Think.
- Web of Science Master List.
What happened John Wiley?
Death. John Wiley died on February 18, 2011 in Urbana, Ohio at age 58.
Why do authors publish in predatory journals?
In a 2018 paper, Serhat Kurt asked “Why do authors publish in predatory journals?” He gave four reasons given by scholars when asked why they submit to predatory journals. These were Social Identity Threat, Pressure to Publish, Lack of Awareness and Lack of Research Proficiency.
Why should authors not publish articles in a predatory Journal?
Predatory publishers generally make false promises to authors and behave unethically. They also undermine the scholarly information and publishing environment with a deluge of poor quality, unchecked and invalidated articles often published on temporary sites, thus losing the scholarly record.
Is Cureus PubMed indexed?
Cureus is indexed in PubMed Central (PMC), PubMed, Google Scholar and Web of Science. Articles published in Cureus will appear in PubMed Central approximately six weeks after publication.
Where can I get my articles published?
To get you started, here is a list of platforms offering free article publishing.
- Medium. Medium is a very popular free publishing site where you can share your writing.
- Linkedin Articles. You are probably already on Linkedin.
- EzineArticles.
- Scoop.It.
- Issuu.
- Yudo.
- Article Alley.
How long does it take for article to appear on PubMed?
Print. If your journal is indexed in PubMed through PubMed Central (PMC), then you can expect it to appear in PubMed within 2-3 weeks of its print publication date.