How do you cite electronic sources in Harvard style?

How do you cite electronic sources in Harvard style?

Basic format to reference material from the web

  1. Author or authors. The surname is followed by first initials.
  2. Year.
  3. Title (in italics).
  4. Publisher. Where there is a corporate author, the publisher and author may be the same.
  5. Date viewed.
  6. Web address .

What does et als mean after a name?

This is a Latin phrase that is short for “et alia.” It means “and others,” and is commonly used in legal documents to reference the family or people involved. Legal documents must list every person involved by using their first and last names one time.

What does et ux mean on a deed?

and wife

What does et al mean in crossword puzzles?

Definition of et al this is an abbreviation of the Latin et alii (and others); the phrase is often used at the end of a list to denote that it is not complete yet. and elsewhere (used when referring to other occurrences in a text)

What does l mean in a crossword?

On crossword solving blogs/communities, solutions are sometimes explained in shorthand notation such as {A}{C}{CLIMAx*} for ACCLAIM, CAL(1)L<= for LILAC, or ~(tale)+SPIN for TAILSPIN. Crossword sites generally carry a key to the annotation format – for example, THCC displays an “Annotations” widget on the sidebar.

What does SP mean in crosswords?

Speaking of foreign words, if the answer is a foreign word, the clue will often include another word from the same language. If not, then you might see a specific indication such as (fr.) or (sp.).

What does say mean in crosswords?

Putting “…say” at the end of a clue is a deft way of indicating a soundalike without drawing much attention to it, but it can of course also mean, say, “for example”.

What do circles in NYT Crossword mean?

Circle-in-the-square is a type of crossword puzzle in which circles appear in some of the Answer squares. the letters in squares that contain circles spell out words related to the theme either when read consecutively or when rearranged to form theme-related words.

What does Pref mean in crosswords?

Clue 36 across is ‘Modern: pref. ‘ Crosswords tends to have a language of their own, and the most frustrating part is understanding the directions. In this case, the puzzle asks for another word for ‘modern’ that’s a prefix. Because it’s written ‘pref. ‘, the answer will be shortened or abbreviated.

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