What are documented sources?

What are documented sources?

Documenting means showing where you got source information that’s not your own. Remember, a research paper blends your ideas with ideas and information from other sources. Documentation shows the reader what ideas are yours and what information and ideas you’ve taken from a source to support your point of view.

What are the 4 sources of water?

Lesson-4 Sources of water supply

  • Lakes and streams.
  • Ponds.
  • Rivers.
  • Storage reservoirs.

What are the 8 sources of water?

These are the different types of water sources around the globe and how they each play a role in what comes out of your home’s sink.

  • Surface Water Resources.
  • Groundwater Resources.
  • Stormwater Resources.
  • Wastewater Resources.
  • Saltwater Resources.
  • Ice Cap Water Resources.

What are different water sources?

Our main sources of water for drinking, washing, agriculture and industry are surface water, groundwater and collected rainwater, all of which are dependent on rain and snow falling on the Earth’s surface….4.3 Sources of water

  • 1 Surface water.
  • 2 Groundwater.
  • 3 Rainwater.

What are some sources of fresh water?

On the landscape, freshwater is stored in rivers, lakes, reservoirs, and creeks and streams. Most of the water people use everyday comes from these sources of water on the land surface. Lakes are valuable natural resources, both for human and non-human life.

Which is Earth’s largest source of drinkable water?


Which is not a source of fresh water?

The water in the oceans is saline and not fresh.

Which is the primary source of fresh water?

Rivers and lakes, the primary sources of freshwater, have run dry in many parts of the world. Although it is a renewable resource because of the hydrological cycle, the store of freshwater on earth is not infinite.

What is natural source of water?

Rain water Rainwater is the purest source of natural water. Rainwater is directly produced from water condensation in the presence of the sun. The water in lakes, rivers, and seas evaporates. During the vaporization process, all impurities are removed, and the water falls directly into the earth as rain.

What is the main source of water resources on earth?

Our main sources of water for drinking, washing, agriculture and industry are surface water, groundwater and collected rainwater, all of which are dependent on rain and snow falling on the Earth’s surface.

What is the main source of water class 8?


What is water class 9?

An undesirable change in the physical,biological or chemical qualities of water(Due to addition of foreign organic,inorganic,biological or radioactive substances)that adversely affect the aquatic life and makes water unfit for use is called water pollution.

What is the main source of water Class 3?

The three main sources of water are: Rainwater. Groundwater – This includes water bodies like Wells and Springs. Surface water – This includes different water bodies like Sea, Oceans, Reservoirs, Rivers, Streams, Ponds, Lakes and Tanks.

How is snow a source of water for Class 3?

Snow is an important temporary storehouse for winter precipitation. When it melts, after days, weeks or months,the water fills rivers and lakes, where it may be used to generate electricity. It also replenishes groundwater reserves, which are essential for drinking water supply and agriculture.

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