Where does an addendum go in a report?

Where does an addendum go in a report?

Type the word “Addendum” at the top center of the page, press the Enter key, and then write the title of the addendum. Press the Enter key again, and then change the paragraph alignment so that the cursor is moved to the left of the page.

How do you cite a revised article?

To cite an article that has been corrected, simply provide the publication details as you would to cite any other journal article. Readers will discover the existence and nature of the corrections when they visit the article. In text: (Haataja, Ahtola, Poskiparta, & Salmivalli, 2015).

How do you cite a revision?

When citing versions in the works cited list, write ordinal numbers with arabic numerals (2nd, 34th) and abbreviate revised (rev.) and edition (ed.). Descriptive terms for versions, such as expanded ed. and 2nd ed., are written all lowercase, except that an initial letter directly following a period is capitalized.

How do you reference a revised edition?

For numbered editions, use the abbreviation for the ordinal number that applies (1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc.), then add “ed.” For a revised edition, use the abbreviations “Rev. ed.” Include edition information in parenthesis, and insert it between the book title and its following period, without underlining.

How do you cite something that has been updated?

Use the authors of the article as the authors in the reference. For the year in the reference, use the year listed after “this topic last updated.” For the title, use the title of the article. Use the name of the deputy editor(s) for the article as the editor(s) of the reference work.

How do you cite a website that has been updated?

Determining Website Dates If multiple dates are provided, use the most recent date on which the content was changed. For example, if the site says the content was first published in 2010 and last updated on August 6, 2016, then use the date 2016 in the in-text citation and reference list.

How do you cite CDC?

Government Report

  1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ( 2014).
  2. First citation: (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2014)
  3. Subsequent citations: (CDC, 2014)
  4. First citation: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], (2014)
  5. Subsequent citations: CDC (2014)

How do you cite a name?

It’s important that you correctly cite the last name of the author(s) whose work you’re referencing. To correctly cite the author, always begin the citation with the author’s last name, a comma, and the rest of the name as it appears on the source. Place a period after the author’s name.

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