How do you know if a journal is in Scopus?

How do you know if a journal is in Scopus?

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  1. Type the URL in your address bar:
  2. Select the Title, Publisher, or ISSN number of the targeted journal to find Scoups indexing.
  3. Give the targeted journal name in the Title field.
  4. Finally, you will get the detail about the journal with all database coverage.

Is Ijariie UGC approved?

IJARIIE (ISSN 2395-4396 (Online)) is Approved by National Science Library (NSL), National Institute of Science Communication And Information Resources (NISCAIR), Council of Scientific and Industrial Research(CSIR)New Delhi, India.

How do you know if a journal is UGC approved?

The Approved List of Journal is available as a web-based database with search and browse interface at: The UGC approved List of Journals contain 38,653 journals that are indexed in Web of Science, Scopus and Indian Citation Index.

What is UGC approved journals?

What is UGC Approved Journals? UGC Approved Journals are the medium through which you can publish your articles after qualifying for the UGC NET Exam. University Grant Commission will consider your article as valid only when you submit it in the UGC Approved Journals.

What is Naas rating of journals?

NAAS rating of journals is given by the Indian national institute where as the Impact factor is given international body based on the number of citations of the Journal articles. Hence it is very important to consider the impact factor journals rather than NAAS rating.

What is impact factor for a journal?

Impact factor is commonly used to evaluate the relative importance of a journal within its field and to measure the frequency with which the “average article” in a journal has been cited in a particular time period.

What is Scopus source list?

Scopus covers nearly 36,377 titles (22,794 active titles and 13,583 inactive titles) from approximately 11,678 publishers, of which 34,346 are peer-reviewed journals in top-level subject fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences and health sciences.

What is meant by refereed journal?

Peer-reviewed (refereed or scholarly) journals – Articles are written by experts and are reviewed by several other experts in the field before the article is published in the journal in order to ensure the article’s quality. (The article is more likely to be scientifically valid, reach reasonable conclusions, etc.)

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