How would you capitalize the letters in a references list in APA Style?

How would you capitalize the letters in a references list in APA Style?

When referring to books, chapters, articles, or webpages, capitalize only the first letter of the first word of a title and subtitle, the first word after a colon or a dash in the title, and proper nouns. Italicize titles of longer works such as books and journals.

Do you capitalize proper nouns in APA reference list?

Capitalize the first word of the title/heading and of any subtitle/subheading; Capitalize any proper nouns and certain other types of words; and. Use lowercase for everything else.

Do you capitalize titles in APA 7th edition?

APA 7th Edition Citation Examples: Titles Do not capitalize the rest (see examples below). All major words in periodical titles should be capitalized (for example, Psychology Today, Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved.)

What should be italicized in APA 7 references?


  • titles of: books. journals. movies. TV shows.
  • a new key term, but only the first time used.
  • words and letters used as examples (the letter a)
  • variables/statistical symbols.

How do you do a reference page in APA format?

On the APA reference page, you list all the sources that you’ve cited in your paper….Formatting the APA reference page

  1. Place the section label “References” in bold at the top of the page (centered).
  2. Order the references alphabetically.
  3. Double-space all text.
  4. Apply a hanging indent of 0.5 inches.

Is APA reference page in alphabetical order?

Every entry in an APA reference list has a hanging indent. This means that every line after the first is moved a few spaces to the right. The entries are in alphabetical order according to the first author listed. See order of entries below for details.

How do you reference in APA format 7th edition?


  1. Author(s). Note: List each author’s last name and initials as Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C.
  2. (Year).
  3. Title of the book. Note: For works that stand alone (e.g. books, reports), italicize the title.
  4. (Edition).
  5. Publisher.

Are references double spaced in APA 7?

The references should be double-spaced without extra spaces between references (APA, 2020, p. 303). See How Should I Format My References in APA Style? for more information.

What changes APA 7th edition?

Some notable changes include: Increased flexibility regarding fonts: options include Calibri 11, Arial 11, Lucida Sans Unicode 10, Times New Roman 12, and Georgia 11. The running head on the title page no longer includes the words “Running head:”. It now contains only a page number and the (shortened) paper title.

Does APA 7 have page numbers?

The APA Style rules direct authors to start page numbering at “1” on the title page in the top right corner of the page, flush right (APA, 2020, p. 44). The page numbers should continue in that position to the last page of the document.

How do you paraphrase in APA 7th edition?

APA 7th Edition For example, a paraphrase will often explain paragraphs or sections of writing in several sentences rather than an individual word or sentence. The citation to paraphrased text must provide the author’s last name and the year of publication, and “page or paragraph number …

How long can a paraphrase be apa?

You can use a combination in one sentence. You can directly quote several short phrases (that are each, e.g., only 3 or 4 words long) and paraphrase around those.

How do I reference MIMS online APA 7?

How do I reference MIMS Online in APA?

  1. Open the Library Reference guides web page.
  2. Click the link to APA 7.
  3. Scroll down the left-navigation.
  4. Click the Clinical, medical, legal button.
  5. Click MIMS Online to view the in-text and reference list examples.

What is paraphrasing in APA Style?

A paraphrase restates someone else’s words in a new way. For example, you might put a sentence into your own words, or you might summarize what another author or set of authors found. When you include a paraphrase in a paper, you are required to include only the author and date in the citation.

Do I have to cite if I paraphrase?

Paraphrasing ALWAYS requires a citation. Even if you are using your own words, the idea still belongs to someone else.

How do you indicate that you are paraphrasing?

To paraphrase is to restate another author ‘s point in your own words. When you paraphrase, you don’t need to use quotation marks, but you still need to give credit to the author and provide a citation.

When paraphrasing Where does the period go?

If your quote is longer than forty words, set it off in a block text by beginning a new line, indenting one inch, and do not add quotation marks. At the end of the quote put the period after the last word of the sentence followed by the parentheses.

What is the difference between quotation and paraphrasing?

The difference between paraphrasing and quoting is that when quoting you use the author’s exact words, and when paraphrasing you use the author’s ideas but put them in your own words.

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