How do you write an article discussion?

How do you write an article discussion?

Give your interpretations

  1. Identifying correlations, patterns and relationships among the data.
  2. Discussing whether the results met your expectations or supported your hypotheses.
  3. Contextualizing your findings within previous research and theory.
  4. Explaining unexpected results and evaluating their significance.

How do you discuss an article in class?

Starting a discussion

  1. Refer to questions you distributed.
  2. Make a list of key points.
  3. Use a partner activity.
  4. Use a brainstorming activity.
  5. Pose an opening question and give students a few minutes to record an answer.
  6. Divide students into small groups to discuss a specific question or issue.

What is the discussion section of an article?

The Discussion section of an article, as the name suggests, is meant to discuss the results of the study with respect to the problem of the study. Thus, you need to address points such as the following: What do the results mean for the problem and hypothesis of the study?

How do you show interest?

Doing these things can help indicate your interest:

  1. Smile at your crush when they look at you.
  2. Meet your crush with uncrossed arms and a gaze upward– don’t look down at your shoes or phone.
  3. Make eye contact.
  4. Lean closer when you talk to them.
  5. Brush their arm or lightly touch them occasionally as you talk.

What to say to show you are listening?

There are a few key phrases out there to demonstrate that you’re listening actively….5) “Let me make sure I’ve got this right.”

  1. “These are the main points I’ve heard you make so far.”
  2. “Let’s make sure I’m hearing you correctly.”
  3. “Let’s pause to make sure we’re on the same page.”

How do I make small talk?

How to Make Small Talk

  1. First, ask open-ended questions. Most people enjoy talking about themselves — not only are we are our favorite subjects, but it’s also easier to discuss yourself than something you know little about.
  2. Second, practice active listening.
  3. Third, put away your phone.
  4. Fourth, show your enthusiasm.

How do you know if you are boring?

Boring people have unbalanced conversations. Instead of finding a rhythm between talking and listening, boring people are on either conversational extreme. Quora user Jack Bennett calls it an “asymmetry in the conversational ‘give and take’ — e.g. all listening and no talking, or all talking and no listening.”

What do a girl want in a relationship?

Women need men to show kindness, patience, understanding, empathy, and compassion. Regardless of the type of relationship, men and women should be considerate of each other’s feelings.

How do I win her heart?

10 Ways to Win a Girl’s Heart

  1. Be Confident and Pursue Her. When you like a girl, make an effort and pursue her.
  2. Compliment Her. Little things that you notice about us makes us really happy.
  3. Show Your Interest. Show your interest and be honest.
  4. Show That You Care.
  5. Make an Effort.
  6. Be Her Friend.
  7. Give Her Something.
  8. Serenade Her.

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