How do you quote a whole paragraph?

How do you quote a whole paragraph?

Begin on a new line and indent 1/2 inch from the left margin. Use this margin for the entire paragraph. Double-space the quote. After the final punctuation mark, insert the author, date and page number within parentheses.

How can I use because in a sentence?

When we use because, we are focusing on the reason: She spoke quietly because she didn’t want Catherine to hear. We’ll come over on Sunday because David’s got to work on Saturday. We often put the because-clause at the beginning of a sentence, especially when we want to give extra focus to the reason.

Can you start a sentence with while?

While at the Beginning of a Sentence When while is the first word of your sentence, you obviously shouldn’t add a comma in front of it. But if you’re using while to mean “whereas,” you still need to put a comma somewhere. Put it at the end of the clause that while introduces.

How do we use while?

We use both when and while as subordinating conjunctions to introduce adverbial clauses of time. They mean during the time that and indicate that something is or was happening when something else occurred: The prisoners escaped when / while the prison warders were eating their lunch.

How do you use while?

Using ‘while’

  1. While (US) or whilst (UK) means ‘during’, ‘when’, or ‘at the same time’:
  2. While can also be a noun which would be translated as ‘a short period of time’ (this is not the case with ‘whilst’):
  3. Note that while must be followed by a verb, whereas during can only be followed by a noun, not a verb.

How do you use when in a question?

Here are 10 questions travellers often ask:

  1. When does the next bus arrive?
  2. When does the bus/plane leave?
  3. When does the show start?
  4. When does the store/restaurant/place open?
  5. When are you leaving?
  6. When should I go to the gate? ( to board airplane)
  7. When will you be here?
  8. When should we meet?

What tense is used with when?

past tense

Which vs who grammar?

“Who” is used for people. “Which” is used for things, and “that” can be used for either. (Note, however, that using “that” for people is considered informal.)

What is the difference between who and that?

Summary: 1. “That” is a relative pronoun that is used when referring to either a person or a thing while “who” is a relative pronoun that is used when referring to a person.

Who is or that is?

When you are determining whether you should use who or that, keep these simple guidelines in mind: Who is always used to refer to people. That is always used when you are talking about an object. That can also be used when you are talking about a class or type of person, such as a team.

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