What are the 3 types of complex sentences?

What are the 3 types of complex sentences?

A complex sentence is a sentence that contains an independent clause and at least one subordinate clause….The Three Types of Subordinate Clauses

  • Dependent adjective clauses act as adjectives.
  • Dependent adverb clauses act as adverbs.
  • Dependent noun clauses act as nouns.

How can you tell if a sentence is complex?

If two clauses are connected with a coordinating conjunction, it’s a compound sentence. If two clauses are connected with a subordinating conjunction, it’s a complex sentence.

What makes a complex sentence?

A complex sentence is formed by adding one or more subordinate (dependent) clauses to the main (independent) clause using conjunctions and/or relative pronouns. A clause is a simple sentence. Simple sentences contain only one clause (verb group). Complex sentences contain more than one clause (verb group).

What is a complex sentence in grammar?

A complex sentence is an independent clause (a sentence that can stand on its own) with 1 or more dependent clauses added (dependent clauses can’t stand on their own as a sentence).

What is complex sentence example?

A complex sentence is a sentence that contains one independent and at least one dependent clause (sometimes called a subordinate clause). When these two types of clauses appear in a sentence, we create a complex sentence. Consider this example: I like to eat the candy before I watch a movie.

What is complex sentence give two examples?

A complex sentence has one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. This means that the clauses are not equal, they use a co-ordinating conjunction that changes the rank of one or more of the clauses to make it less equal. For example; My Dad laughed when I told a joke.

What is simple and complex sentence?

A simple sentence consists of only one clause. A compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses. A complex sentence has at least one independent clause plus at least one dependent clause.

What is compound-complex sentence and give examples?

A compound-complex sentence is comprised of at least two independent clauses and one or more dependent clauses. Example: Though Mitchell prefers watching romantic films, he rented the latest spy thriller, and he enjoyed it very much.

What are simple sentences and compound sentences?

A simple sentence contains one independent clause. A compound sentence contains more than one! Put another way: a simple sentence contains a subject and a predicate, but a compound sentence contains more than one subject and more than one predicate.

What are some examples of a compound complex sentence?

2. Examples of compound-complex sentences

  • Kate doesn’t like cartoons because they are loud, so she doesn’t watch them.
  • The dog started barking so the cat ran away and I couldn’t keep up, so I stopped.
  • She likes to sleep in but she can get up early if she has work.

How do you write a simple complex sentence?

“Subject + verb + object + present participle” type of simple sentence, to convert it to the complex sentence by “subject + verb + object + relative pronoun of the object + be verb according to relative pronoun and tense + rest of the sentence”. Simple Sentence: I saw a bird flying.

How do you combine two sentences in a complex sentence?

How to join two or more simple sentences into a single complex sentence

  1. Method.
  2. By using a noun clause. A noun clause does the work of a noun. It can act as the subject or the object of the verb in the principal clause.
  3. By using an adjective clause.
  4. By using an adverb clause.

How do you identify simple compound complex and compound complex sentences?

A dependent clause contains a subject and a verb, but no complete thought.

  1. A SIMPLE SENTENCE has one independent clause.
  2. A COMPOUND SENTENCE has two independent clauses joined by.
  3. A COMPLEX SENTENCE has one dependent clause (headed by a subordinating conjunction or a relative pronoun ) joined to an independent clause.

Is when a complex sentence?

The word used to link an independent clause to a dependent clause is called a subordinating conjunction. The most common subordinating conjunctions are although, because, before, even though, if, since, until, and when. In these examples of complex sentences, the subordinating conjunctions are shown in bold.

Does a complex sentence need a subordinating conjunction?

A COMPLEX SENTENCE has one dependent clause (headed by a subordinating conjunction or a relative pronoun ) joined to an independent clause. A COMPOUND-COMPLEX SENTENCE has two independent clauses joined to one or more dependent clauses.

Can a complex sentence have a semicolon?

Some lists already have commas to join dependent clauses or phrases. In this case, a semicolon can be used to separate the elements in a complex sentence.

How do you fix a complex sentence?

Correcting Run-On Sentences

  1. Use a period. The easiest way to fix a run-on is to split the sentence into smaller sentences using a period.
  2. Use a semicolon.
  3. Use a comma and a coordinating conjunction.
  4. Use a subordinating conjunction.

What subordinating conjunctions are used for complex sentence?

Access the file with a list of common subordinating conjunctions here. When one of these subordinating conjunctions is placed before an independent clause, the clause can no longer stand by itself….List of Common Subordinate Conjunctions.

after * since *
because when
before * whenever
even though where
if wherever

What are compound sentences?

A compound sentence has at least two independent clauses that have related ideas. The independent clauses can be joined by a coordinating conjunction (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) or by a semicolon, as you can see in the compound sentence examples below.

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