What can I say instead of this is because?

What can I say instead of this is because?


  • this is due to.
  • reason for this is that.
  • it has something to do with the fact.
  • as things go.
  • in view of.
  • reason is that.
  • for.
  • owing to.

What’s a better word for because?

In this page you can discover 39 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for because, like: since, due-to, for the reason that, by reason of, as, as a result of, on-account-of, therefore, for, in-behalf-of and as things go.

What is another way to say as you know?

What is another word for as you know?

it goes without saying needless to say
evidently it stands to reason that
naturally it is unquestionable
self-evidently obviously
manifestly of course

What do you say when something is obvious?

Ways of saying that something is obvious or known – thesaurus

  1. of course. adverb.
  2. naturally. adverb.
  3. evidently. adverb.
  4. obviously. adverb.
  5. it goes without saying (that) phrasal verb.
  6. needless to say. phrase.
  7. it stands to reason (that) phrase.
  8. as you know. phrase.

How do you say as you know in a formal way?

There are many possible synonyms, according to the context in which the phrase is being used:

  1. As you are aware.
  2. As you have been made aware.
  3. As has been made aware to you.
  4. As no doubt you are aware…
  5. As you will be aware…
  6. As you have gleaned…
  7. As you have undoubtedly heard.
  8. As you realize.

What to say instead of I understand how you feel?

What to Say Instead of ‘I Know How You Feel’ After a Death

  • I’m here if you want to talk.
  • You’re so strong, and I’m proud of you.
  • Tell me how you’re feeling.
  • I’m sorry you’re going through this.
  • Please accept my sincere condolences.
  • I know you’ll get through this.
  • You’re always in my thoughts.

How do you say I understand in a different way?

You can do that by saying:

  1. OK / Alright / Sure.
  2. Got it.
  3. OK, I get it now / That’s clear, thank you.
  4. Fair enough / I see where you’re coming from / I take your point / That makes sense.
  5. Of course / Absolutely.
  6. I appreciate why you think that, but…
  7. I hear what you’re saying, but…
  8. When You Understand Someone’s Feelings:

How do you say I don’t know in other ways?

List of 40 other ways to say I don’t know in English.

  • Beats me.
  • Hmm…
  • I am not the best person to answer that.
  • I can find out for you.
  • I can’t remember off the top of my head. I’ll get back to you on that.
  • I don’t have that information here right now.
  • I don’t know anything about…
  • I have no clue/idea.

What to say instead of I don’t know?

25 Alternatives To ‘I Don’t Know’ & ‘I Can’t’

  • I need help with …
  • Before I can respond, I need …
  • I’m nervous about being wrong.
  • I can’t …, but I can …
  • If I knew how to …, I could answer. (Or, ‘If I could …, I could …)
  • I don’t know now, but I will soon because …
  • After talking to …, I think …
  • Let me find out.

Is it best to say no comment?

Make “NO COMMENT” to all questions. Everything you say can and will likely be used as evidence. If they interview you, give a “No Comment” interview, unless under explicit advice from a good solicitor to make a written statement.

What happens if you say no comment?

‘You do not have to say anything if you do not wish to do so, but anything you do say may be used against you in a court of law. Today, courts can use silence (or no comment answers) as an inference of guilt. This means that saying nothing, in some cases, can do more harm than good.

How do you respond to no comment?

This is a nice way of saying that the official replied, No comment. A better response: “I’ll check on that and will get back to you.” Then, always do. In addition, this is a good response to use when you are blindsided.

Why do they say no comment?

There is no magic to the phrase no comment. It is simply a device for a suspect to indicate that they have no intention of answering police questions. It allows the police to put questions and the interview to progress easily.

What is a significant comment?

You should ask the suspect whether they confirm or deny that earlier statement or silence and if they wish to add anything. 34. A significant statement is one which appears capable of being used in evidence against the suspect (eg an unsolicited comment relevant to the offence, such as an admission of guilt).

What is a no comment interview?

If you say nothing or ´no comment´ at an interview, the court can infer guilt but only if. – you are charged and go to court, and. – you do not give evidence. The only benefit of talking in an interview is that the investigator (police etc) or prosecution lawyers might decide not to prosecute.

Why do police ask for voluntary interviews?

Voluntary interviews can take place in relation to historical sexual abuse, rape or fraud allegations. The police often invite young, mentally disordered or vulnerable suspects to attend as a volunteer if they are to be interviewed.

What is a voluntary statement to police?

A voluntary interview is where a police officer asks you to attend at a police station to be interviewed about a criminal offence. The first thing to realise is that your ARE a SUSPECT for that Criminal offence.

Can police make you come in for questioning?

You do have the right to refuse or ignore a request for questioning, but the officers may choose to arrest you, depending on the nature of the case.

What happens at a voluntary police interview?

Also known as voluntary attendance, a voluntary police interview takes place at a police station where the volunteer assists the police with their enquiries. They are not under arrest at this time. An interview will be recorded and will take place under caution – meaning it may be used as evidence.

What are the outcomes of a voluntary interview?

What you say in a voluntary interview has the same weight as if you had been arrested an interviewed at a police station. It remains an interview under caution. As a result, what a person does or doesn’t say might have the following effects: lead to a conviction where there is no evidence other than an admission.

What is a voluntary statement?

the willing statement of a defendant that is free from coercion that admits to some facts attesting to his guilt.

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