What is a good topic for an argument?

What is a good topic for an argument?


  • Education should be free for everyone.
  • Why are the US citizens rapidly becoming more obese?
  • Internet access must be limited to students.
  • Young people must have a right to choose when it comes to military.
  • Each student must have a right to pick only those disciplines he is interested in.

Does it hurt to punch someone?

Usually even a hard punch isn’t very painful at first. The moment the punch connects, you should have enough adrenaline and surprise factor that you are shocked, but not in pain. Of course, this depends on where you are punched.

Can a punch to the chest kill you?

A blow to the chest can have highly contrasting effects. For instance, some baseball players have died after being hit in the chest by a baseball, while patients undergoing fatal cardiac tachyarrhythmias have been saved by an appropriately timed thump to the chest

How does it feel to punch someone?

It felt like breaking a board – if you don’t know what that’s like, imagine hitting something that feels like if IT doesn’t break, you’re sure that your hand will. Punching someone in the face feels like you never want to do that again.

How does a punch knock you out?

Retrospective analysis of boxing knockouts has revealed that they typically are caused by a hook to the side of the jaw which causes a rotation of the head in the horizontal plane. Uppercuts to the chin may also cause unconsciousness, while straight punches to the face are unlikely to do so (6).

Why does it feel like I got punched in the eye?

Common causes for eye pain when you blink include dry eyes, a stye, or pink eye (conjunctivitis). More serious conditions that can cause your eye to hurt when you blink include glaucoma or optic neuritis

What happens when you get punched?

A person who has been punched might experience the effects of concussion . They may or may not lose consciousness, and for a time their cognitive functions might be impaired. They will most likely have a headache, might have memory loss, nausea, dizziness and ringing in the ears

Is it bad to punch your head?

A hard blow to the head can shake your brain inside the skull. The result: bruises, broken blood vessels, or nerve damage to the brain. A hard hit that doesn’t cause bleeding or an opening in your skull could be a closed brain injury.

What happens if someone punches you in the eye?

When the eye is hit with blunt force, it suddenly compresses and retracts. This can cause blood to collect underneath the hit area, which leads to many of the common symptoms of eye trauma.

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