What word can I use instead of nice?

What word can I use instead of nice?

What is another word for nice?

enjoyable delightful
good great
pleasant pleasurable
satisfying agreeable
amazing lovely

What is a bigger word for nice?

pleasing. Giving pleasure; pleasant; agreeable; gratifying.

How do you say very nice?

Choose — and use — one of these 99+ ways to say “Very Good” to your students.

  1. You’re on the right track now!
  2. You’ve got it made.
  3. Super!
  4. That’s right!
  5. That’s good.
  6. You’re really working hard today.
  7. You are very good at that.
  8. That’s coming along nicely.

How do you replace the word very?


  1. conspicuously.
  2. exceedingly.
  3. extremely.
  4. greatly.
  5. highly.
  6. notably.
  7. outstandingly.
  8. prominently.

How do you say fun professionally?


  1. amusing.
  2. enjoyable.
  3. entertaining.
  4. lively.
  5. pleasant.
  6. boisterous.
  7. convivial.
  8. merry.

How do I be interesting?

Here are 14 ways to become so fascinating, people from all walks of life will be drawn to you.

  1. Be An Active Person.
  2. Happy People Are Magnetic, Debbie Downers Are Not.
  3. Be Passionate About Something.
  4. Fill Your Brain With Interesting Things.
  5. Ask People About Themselves and Really Listen to Them.
  6. Become a Good Story Teller.

How do I make my talk interesting?

  1. 7 Ways to Make Small Talk Way More Interesting. Stop boring yourself — and others — silly at events.
  2. Be more interested.
  3. Ask open-ended questions.
  4. Leverage your environment (or your wardrobe).
  5. Play the student.
  6. Gamify for your own amusement.
  7. Be more interesting.
  8. Give up on lost causes.

How do I make myself seem interesting?

Read on for ways to convince other people — and more importantly, yourself — that you’re a fascinating human being.

  1. Develop new skills.
  2. Be curious.
  3. Learn how to tell a good story.
  4. Have three good stories ready to share.
  5. Listen and show compassion.
  6. Ask good questions.
  7. Say what you think.
  8. Follow your interests.

How do you know if your boring?

Boring people don’t include anybody in the conversation. What makes someone boring is “the inability to include the others with interest into the conversation,” says Marie Holland, “which I feel usually happens when the ‘boring’ person just wants their point to be told with too much detail that isn’t relevant.”2020年9月15日

Who is the most boring person in the world?

Drew Ackerman

Is it bad to be boring?

Boring is just the passage of time without inspiration or engagement. No it’s not bad. Though there’s a big difference between the gathering you are with, if they are bored, it’s more about them. The thing is, for the right group of people, even what some perceive as the most boring may fit right in.

What is a boring person called?

Someone or something that inspires boredom. bore. drag. dullard. yawn.

Is it better to be busy or bored?

A new study published in the Journal Psychological Science confirms that busy people are happier than those who are idle or have more I’m Bored (insert whiney voice) downtime. ..

What to say when someone says you’re boring?

Vote for the best comeback when someone calls you boring

  1. Yeah, and what makes you so exciting?
  2. I’m bored of being bored, because being bored is so boring.
  3. Is there an App I can download to make you go away?
  4. I may be boring, but you’re ugly. Boring can be fixed…

Is it rude to call someone boring?

It’s certainly not polite to tell someone, “You’re boring!” But the fact is, some people feel bored when they’re with somebody. That doesn’t mean the person would bore everybody; “boring” is subjective, just like “interesting,” “charming,” “annoying,” and so on. Yes,it is wrong to call.

What do you say when someone calls you a drama queen?

Vote for the best comeback when people call you a drama queen

  1. Yah, the Junior high called me. They want their drama back.
  2. My drama’s made for movies, not reality!
  3. You make other drama queens look like peasants.
  4. I’m a drama queen and damn proud.
  5. Yeah, my life has more drama than a van full of drag queens.

What to say when someone calls you predictable?

If you are being teased for being predictable, use one of our comebacks below….You’re so predictable

  1. I adore spontaneity, as long as it’s planned properly!
  2. Whenever I start to feel spontaneous, my bank account reminds me to slow down!
  3. With enough preparation I can be very spontaneous.

What makes a person predictable?

You can be predictable without telling people what you are doing by acting consistently and following social norms. Being predictable means doing the same thing in the same way, every time. If you act unpredictably for any reason, apologize and explain why you acted this way.

When people say your moody?

When you label someone as “moody,” you are refusing to see things differently. Think of it like a stamp… You stamp someone with a “moody” label and all of a sudden you view them only as a moody person. You’ll run on autopilot with them, calling them “moody” any time they try to communicate their emotions

How do I stop being predictable?

1. Create an Environment That Fosters Spontaneity

  1. Ask Your Friends If You Are Too Predictable.
  2. Let Go of Limiting Beliefs.
  3. Look at the World Through a Child’s Eyes.
  4. Reduce Time-Wasters.
  5. Stop Waiting for the Perfect Time.
  6. Get up and Dance, Right Now!
  7. Add a “Twist” to Normal Activities.
  8. Go Explore a New Location.

How do I stop being shy and boring?

Take your first steps in getting past shyness with these 13 techniques to help you become a more confident you.

  1. Don’t tell. There’s no need to advertise your shyness.
  2. Keep it light.
  3. Change your tone.
  4. Avoid the label.
  5. Stop self-sabotaging.
  6. Know your strengths.
  7. Choose relationships carefully.
  8. Avoid bullies and teases.

Why is unpredictability attractive?

We know that this neurotransmitter drives a person to take action and feel good about it. In dating, this means the person is compelled to chase and will enjoy the process — there is an attraction to the overall game. As long as those pleasurable feelings are being created, the person will continue playing

What does it mean when someone says you’re so predictable?

2 : behaving in a way that is expected I knew he would say that. He’s so predictable.

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