How do you write a financial article?

How do you write a financial article?

Here are some of the tips to follow whenever you plan to write a financial market article: CLARITY & FOCUS: Before you write an article, you should be able to generate extremely clear and concise content regarding what is the topic and what you want to put forward to the readers

What are benefits in finance?

Benefit. In annuities, insurance and some government programs, the amount of money one receives under certain, stated circumstances. Benefits commonly refer to periodic payments one begins to receive following retirement, but they may also refer to welfare payments like rental assistance or food stamps.

What are the four major sub areas of finance?

The major subareas of finance are investments, financial management, financial institutions, market, and international finance. Risk is a potential future negative impact to value and or cash flow. It is often discussed in terms of probability of loss and the expected magnitude of the loss. 2.

What is cycle of money?

The cycle of money is the movement of funds from a lender to a borrower and back to the lender. and the borrower, such as a company that is using the funds for operating the business or expanding the business.

Who are the participants in the cycle of money?

The participants are the original lender, usually an individual (or household) through direct investment or through a financial institution, the financial institution that matches the lender with a borrower or bundles up a set of lenders for a single borrower, and the borrower such as a company that is using the funds …

What is the most important duty of a financial manager?

Financial managers’ main responsibility used to be monitoring a company’s finances, but they now do more data analysis and advise senior managers on ideas to maximize profits. They often work on teams, acting as business advisors to top executives.

What is the objective of financial transaction?

The objective of every financial transaction is to make all parties in the transaction better off. 2. Construct an example of the cycle of money, identify all the players involved, and identify their individual benefits from participating in the cycle of money.

What are the main objectives of financial system?

Introduction. An efficient financial system will allocate savings to productive users of funds at least cost. It should offer a large range of financial instruments and institutions to assist investors balance risk, liquidity and return.1996年9月6日

What is the meaning of financial statements?

Financial statements are written records that convey the business activities and the financial performance of a company. Financial statements are often audited by government agencies, accountants, firms, etc. to ensure accuracy and for tax, financing, or investing purposes. Income statement. Cash flow statement.

What are the three objectives of financial reporting?

There are three main goals of financial reporting:

  • Provide information to investors. Investors will want to know how cash is being reinvested in the business, and how efficiently capital is being used.
  • Track cash flow. Where is your business’s money coming from?
  • Analyse assets, liabilities and owner’s equity.

What are the features of financial statements?

Qualitative characteristics of financial statements

  • Understandability. The information must be readily understandable to users of the financial statements.
  • Relevance. The information must be relevant to the needs of the users, which is the case when the information influences their economic decisions.
  • Reliability.
  • Comparability.
  • Related Courses.

What are the 5 components of financial statements?

These Financial Statements contain five main elements of the entity’s financial information, and these five elements of financial statements are:

  • Assets,
  • Liabilities,
  • Equities,
  • Revenues, and.
  • Expenses.

Why financial reports are important?

Financial statements are important because they contain significant information about a company’s financial health. Financial statements help companies make informed decisions since they highlight which areas of the company provide the best ROI (return on investment).

What are the advantages of understanding the financial statements?

Financial statements separate your assets from liabilities and give you a picture of what you owe versus what you are bringing in. One of the advantages of financial statements is knowing what your liquid assets are so you can help you manage those debts you have – and pay off the highest-cost liabilities first

Who finds financial statements useful?

Besides investors, groups who find financial statements useful include the public, regulators and competitors. Business partners — such as vendors, lenders and customers — also pay attention to corporate accounting reports.

What are the types of financial reporting?

There are four main financial statements. They are: (1) balance sheets; (2) income statements; (3) cash flow statements; and (4) statements of shareholders’ equity. Balance sheets show what a company owns and what it owes at a fixed point in time

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the balance sheet?

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Balance Sheet

  • Advantage: Keeping Things in Balance.
  • Advantage: Calculating and Analyzing Ratios.
  • Advantage: Obtaining Credit and Capital.
  • Disadvantage: Misstated Long-Term Assets.
  • Disadvantage: Missing Assets.

What’s a strong balance sheet?

A strong balance sheet indicates a company is liquid, which means it has enough cash on hand to handle its liabilities. Having a large amount of cash is not the only determining factor when deciding whether a balance sheet is strong. Many investors use liquidity ratios to determine the strength of a balance sheet

What’s a good balance sheet?

A strong balance sheet goes beyond simply having more assets than liabilities. Strong balance sheets will possess most of the following attributes: intelligent working capital, positive cash flow, a balanced capital structure, and income generating assets. Let’s take a look at each feature in more detail

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