How do polymer balls work?

How do polymer balls work?

How does it work? When you mixed the borax and the glue, the chemical reaction formed long chain molecules called polymers. Store-bought bouncy balls are made of rubber, another material that is made up of polymers. When the bouncy ball is stretched, these polymer chains uncoil and straighten.

How do you make a bouncy ball for science fair?


  1. Label one cup ‘Borax Solution’ and the other cup ‘Ball Mixture’.
  2. Pour 4 ounces (120ml) of warm water into the cup labeled ‘Borax Solution’ and 1 teaspoon of the borax powder into the cup.
  3. Pour 1 tablespoon of glue into the cup labeled ‘Ball Mixture’.

What forces act on a bouncing ball?

The forces acting on a spinning ball during impact are the force of gravity, the normal force, and the force of friction (which has in general both a ‘translational’ and a ‘rotational’ component).

Why do bouncy balls bounce so high?

Explanation: When all three balls are dropped from the same height, the rubber ball will bounce the highest because it has the greatest elasticity. This is because the higher the starting height of the ball, the higher the ball’s potential energy. An object has potential energy because of its position.

Why does ball bounce back?

The force of the ball hitting the hard ground puts an equal force back onto the ball, meaning it bounces back up. This happens because balls are made out of an elastic material which allows them to be squashed or stretched and then return to their original shape.

Why does a ball bounce less on carpet?

When a basketball bounces off of a surface, some of its energy is absorbed by that surface. A hard surface, such as concrete, absorbs less energy compared with a soft surface, such as a carpeted floor. The more energy absorbed by the surface, the less that remains in the ball for it to bounce.

Why does a rubber ball bounce back on hitting a floor whereas a metal ball doesn t?

It’s a basic principle in physics that energy cannot be lost. The rubber ball starts off with kinetic energy, hits the wall, and rebounds moving with about the same kinetic energy. So no energy is lost. That means little energy is left for the iron ball to bounce back.

Why does a metal ball rebounds better than a rubber ball?

A metal ball rebounds better than a rubber ball because, when a rubber ball strikes a wall it is distorted and a huge amount of heat is produced due to rubbing of its molecules against each other. Hence, a metal ball rebounds better than a rubber ball.

Why does rubber bounce?

When a rubber ball hits something, it absorbs energy and releases energy really fast, Zheng said. When it hits something, it stops, and the kinetic energy is stored inside the ball as internal energy. Then it can quickly convert the internal energy back into kinetic energy which allows the ball to bounce back.

Why a rubber ball rebounds when it hits a wall?

Elasticity is the property of the body to return back to its original shape after getting deformed. Rubber ball has high elasticity, therefore when it hits the wall it gets compressed and due to elasticity, it quickly returns to its original shape. While doing this it pushes back on the wall. Thus, it rebounds back.

Does a rubber ball float in water?

The science of density and buoyancy determine whether objects will sink or float in water. If an object’s density is greater than water, it will sink. In the case of rubber, it floats because its density is far less than that of water.

Why are balls round?

As per physics , balls are circular because it enhances the chance of spinning (due to pressure of medium along two opposite surfaces and also viscosity of any fluid medium)of the object in a medium. Spinning increases the velocity and it influences the projectile motion of the ball.

What balls are not round?

Ball Size, Shape and Weight Comparison

Sport Shape Weight
American Football prolate spheroid 410–425 g (14 to 15 oz)
Australian Football prolate spheroid 450-500 g (15.9 to 17.6 oz)
Rugby Union prolate spheroid 410–460 g (14–16 oz)
Rugby League prolate spheroid 383-440 g (13.5-15.5 oz)

Who invented balls?

Ancient Mesoamericans had invented rubber balls as early as 1600 BC. By 1600 BC the rubber ball had already been invented by the Ancient Mesoamericans. They made these balls in a variety of sizes; they were solid and were used in a ballgame as well as being burnt as offerings in temples or buried in bogs as a sacrifice …

Why is a football called a pigskin?

History of the Pigskin In later years, these animal bladders were placed inside a leather cover, giving rise to the term “pigskin.” The bladder of pig (or another animal) was inflated into more of an oval shape than the familiar pointed tips of today’s game balls.

How many cows are killed for NFL footballs?

3,000 cows

Is an NFL ball bigger than college?

In overall circumference, college footballs can be up to 1 1/4 inches smaller than NFL footballs. At the widest point of the ball, the circumference is 27 3/4 inches to 28 1/2 inches in college and 28 inches to 28 1/2 inches in the NFL.

Do NFL players pay for balls they keep?

They use brand new balls for every game anyway. I don’t know for sure what happens to a ball once it’s been used, but they don’t get re-used so there’s no reason to charge the players for it. There’s a specific amount of balls assigned per game per team, with some reserved with the officials as kicking (K) balls.

Can fans keep footballs NFL?

In general, fans get to keep the ball, unless it is a special occasion. This would be something like a player’s 200th catch or a playoff game winning score. A fan might give the ball back voluntarily in exchange for other team merchandise and a chance to meet a favorite player.

What is the biggest fine in NFL history?

Punishment: Coach Bill Belichick was fined $500,000, the largest penalty ever levied against a coach in the league’s 87 years. The Patriots were fined $250,000 and had to give up a first-round draft pick. The Patriots would go 16-0 during the season, but lost to the Giants in Super Bowl XLII.

Do NFL players wear cups?

Football players generally don’t wear cups either, and haven’t for some time, according to a 2005 Slate article by Daniel Akst. As Akst explained, the NFL’s cup aversion has to do with “speed and performance.” The best reason to wear an athletic supporter is so you can wear a protective cup.

How do football players protect their balls?

Most football players wear a jock strap, or athletic supporter, which elevate the testes – or “balls” – and the scrotum – AKA the “ball sack” much like a woman’s brassiere.

Do football players shave their legs?

Footballers shave their legs to make tape removal less painful and smooth legs aid therapeutic massages so that the massage doesn’t tug on hair. With performance perks like these it’s no wonder sports stars prefer hairlessness.

Do footballers wear bras?

What Are the Vests Footballers Wear? These black ‘half-vests’ or sports bras are made of neoprene and are fitted with a small GPS tracking device in a pouch in the back. This can then gather crucial performance data such as the player’s heart rate, distance covered and speed.

How do football players shave their legs?

Shaving hairs can prevent the skin from infection caused by bacteria. If the feet are clean from hair, then when the tape is removed it won’t hurt. The absence of feet-hair on the legs will also make it easier for players to treat wounds. Then, almost all football players use decker on their feet.

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