What is your conclusion about teenage pregnancy?

What is your conclusion about teenage pregnancy?

Conclusions. It is known that girls who become pregnant as a teenager will face increased medical risks, and if the pregnancy is taken to term, there are also increased medical risks for their babies. We also know that teenage mothers, and their children, can suffer from poorer life outcomes.

What is the thesis statement of teenage pregnancy?

teenage pregnancy Teenage pregnancy is a serious issue in our society today where people become pregnant because they are not informed. The United States had the greatest amount of pregnancies. Teenage pregnancy affects not only females but males as well; it causes serious health and education problems.

What are the causes of teenage pregnancy?

What causes teenage pregnancy?

  • Lack of information about sexual and reproductive health and rights.
  • Inadequate access to services tailored to young people.
  • Family, community and social pressure to marry.
  • Sexual violence.
  • Child, early and forced marriage, which can be both a cause and a consequence.

How does teenage pregnancy affect society?

Teen pregnancy is a health issue that has an effect on all of us. A child having a baby as a teenager is more likely to face critical social issues like poverty, poor education, risky behaviors that lead to poor health issues, and child welfare. The financial cost of teens having babies is financially devastating.

How does teenage pregnancy affect our economy?

Economic Consequences When teens fall pregnant they are forced to drop out of school which lowers their chances of finding employment. This in turn lowers the family income and leads to a higher dependency ratio as they are forced to depend on parents or grandparents to provide for the newborn.

Why teenage pregnancy is a social problem?

Teenage mothers have higher risks of living on lower incomes, lower educational achievements and difficulties with housing and family conflicts when compared to their peers. Teenage mothers are also more likely to be socially isolated.

How teenage pregnancy affects the family?

A daughter’s adolescent pregnancy and birth might alter her mother’s parenting, for example, by diminishing the mother’s ability to monitor her own children, by increasing a mother’s acceptance of early non-marital childbearing, by reducing a mother’s achievement expectations for her other children, and by compelling a …

What is the most effective program to prevent teenage pregnancy?

Learn about the Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program The OPA Teen Pregnancy Prevention (TPP) Program is a national, evidence-based grant program that funds diverse organizations working to prevent teen pregnancy across the United States.

How can we prevent and reduce teenage pregnancy?


  1. Oral Contraception…… “the pill”
  2. Implanon.
  3. Injectable contraception…..”the injection”
  4. Male and female condoms.
  5. Dual protection.
  6. Emergency contraception (should be used within 5 days of unprotected sex, or condom breakage)- Toll free no:
  7. Male and female sterilisation.

What can schools do to prevent teenage pregnancy?

Programs aimed at reducing the rate of teen pregnancy include a myriad of approaches including encouraging abstinence, providing education about birth control, promoting community service activities, and teaching skills to cope with peer pressure.

Why is it important to prevent teenage pregnancy?

Teen pregnancy and childbirth contribute significantly to dropout rates among high school females, increased health and foster care costs, and a wide range of developmental problems for children born to teen mothers.

What are the emotional effects of teenage pregnancy?

These symptoms include mood swings, anxiety, sadness, overwhelm, difficulty concentrating, trouble eating, and difficulty sleeping. Depression: Being a teen mom is a risk factor for depression. If a mom has a baby before 37 weeks or experiences complications, depression risks can increase.

Why teenage pregnancy is a public health issue?

Teenage pregnancy is an important public health issue: it is common, largely preventable and associated with negative sequelae, both for the teenagers who become pregnant and for their children.

What are the risks and challenges of teenage pregnancy?

Although in traditional societies the majority of these pregnancies are socially desired, several studies have pointed out the enormous risks which are associated with teenage pregnancies [3, 4], such as anemia, preterm labor, urinary tract infections, preeclampsia, high rate of cesarean sections, preterm birth, and …

How does poverty affect teenage pregnancy?

Teen pregnancy is strongly linked to poverty, with low income level associated with higher teen birth rates. In addition, 63 percent of teen mothers receive public assistance within the first year of a child’s birth. Fifty-two percent of mothers on welfare had their first child in their teens.

Why do we need to prevent teenage pregnancy?

How can the community prevent teenage pregnancy?

Successful strategies to prevent adolescent pregnancy include community programs to improve social development, responsible sexual behavior education, and improved contraceptive counseling and delivery. Many of these strategies are implemented at the family and community level.

Why is there a high rate of teenage pregnancy in our community?

POVERTY A MAJOR FACTOR Looking at the data, poverty appears to be the major factor in teen pregnancy rates. The same Demographic and Health Survey found that the areas in South Africa with the highest teenage pregnancy rates are also those with the highest poverty rates.

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