How do you cite the Collins Dictionary in APA?

How do you cite the Collins Dictionary in APA?

Revised on March 15, 2021….How to cite a print dictionary.

Format Publisher Name. (Year). Entry name. In Dictionary name (Edition, p. Page number). Publisher.
Reference entry HarperCollins. (2019). Rehabilitate. In Collins English dictionary (8th ed., p. 672).
In-text citation (HarperCollins, 2019)

How do you cite Collins dictionary in MLA?

Dictionary Citation Structure: “Title of Entry.” Title of Dictionary, Publisher, Date published, URL. Accessed Day Month Year. * Date Note: The date of publication may not be available.

How do you Harvard reference the Collins English Dictionary?

Basic format for an encyclopedia or dictionary entry

  1. Author or authors. The surname is followed by first initials.
  2. Year.
  3. Title of encyclopedia or dictionary entry.
  4. Title of encyclopedia or dictionary (in italics).
  5. Publisher.
  6. Place of publication.

Can I have too many references?

Do not worry about using referencing too often. As a general rule, it is better to use the references too often than not enough. This does not refer to the number of different authors/texts, but the frequency of citing those authors. You may have been given some advice not to use too many references.

How often should you cite?

Many students think it’s acceptable to cite a source once at the end of a paragraph, but to make clear where your information came from, you need to cite much more often than that. You need to cite every time you’ve used words, ideas, or images from a source.

Can you end a sentence with a quote?

Ending a Sentence With a Quote Simply put, punctuation, like question marks and periods, that comes before the beginning of the quote goes outside of the quotation marks, and any punctuation that comes at the end of the quote stays inside the marks. In this sentence, there is a lead-in to the quote.

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