What is a supporting idea?

What is a supporting idea?

The supporting ideas are the more focused arguments that bolster the main ideas. • They have a clear and direct connection with the main ideas. • They are backed-up by evidence or illustrated by examples.

What are examples of supporting details?

Some extra Hints – The supporting details in a sentence or a paragraph MIGHT begin with some of the following words: for example, for instance, in addition, another, in fact, furthermore, moreover, therefore, as a result, consequently, first, second, third, next, then, last, finally, etc…

What is the main idea of a story?

The main idea of a story is the central point or big picture concept that the reader should walk away with. One of the best ways to determine the main idea is to identify things that are not the main idea. The main idea is not detailed; it’s a concept that encompasses the entire book.

Why is main idea and supporting details important?

Details, major and minor, support the main idea by telling how, what, when, where, why, how much, or how many. Locating the topic, main idea, and supporting details helps you understand the point(s) the writer is attempting to express. Identifying the relationship between these will increase your comprehension.

Why is it called moral support?

According to the Online Etymology Dictionary, moral originally meant “pertaining to character as opposed to physical action.” It did not originally relate to social values or manners. So moral support means support that is intangible rather than financial, military, or other physical support.

How do you support morals?

10 Ways to Get and Give Emotional Support

  1. Touch each other often.
  2. Be respectful of your partner’s feelings.
  3. Give small gifts just because.
  4. Compliment your partner in front of other people.
  5. Disagree with your partner in a kind and loving way.
  6. Say “I love you.” Actually hearing it is important to many people.
  7. Never ignore your loved one’s presence.

What is another word for moral support?

What is another word for moral support?

consolation comfort
relief help
encouragement support
compassion pity
sympathy alleviation

What is moral support?

: the act of helping someone by giving love, encouragement, etc.

What is your idea of moral support?

Moral support is a way of giving support to a person or cause, or to one side in a conflict, without making any contribution beyond the emotional or psychological value of the encouragement. The line between moral support and other forms of help is often hard to draw.

What is moral lesson?

10 important life lessons we are often taught too late

  1. Walk your own path. People like to judge other people.
  2. Don’t hesitate when you should act.
  3. Experience what you have learned.
  4. Good things don’t come easy.
  5. Never fail to try more.
  6. Take care of your health early.
  7. Make every moment count.
  8. Live and let live.

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