Why do youth join gangs in Canada?

Why do youth join gangs in Canada?

The reasons for joining a youth gang are various. Some seek excitement; others are looking for prestige, protection, a chance to make money or a sense of belonging 7.

How do youth become involved in gangs?

In sum, “youth who grow up in more disorganized neighborhoods; who come from impoverished, distressed families; who do poorly in school and have low attachment to school and teachers; who associate with delinquent peers; and engage in various forms of problem behaviors are at increased risk for becoming gang members” ( …

What is the purpose of gangs?

Street gangs take over territory or “turf” in a particular city and are often involved in “providing protection”, often a thin cover for extortion, as the “protection” is usually from the gang itself, or in other criminal activity. Many gangs use fronts to demonstrate influence and gain revenue in a particular area.

Are gangs good for society?

By definition, gangs are entities that engage in criminal behaviours. To this end, no, gangs are not good for society, and in most cases gangs end up being harmful to gang members themselves. While that is a definitive answer, it is also an easy answer and one that lacks adequate context.

What do gangs do for money?

Some gangs collect millions of dollars per month selling illegal drugs, trafficking weapons, operating prostitution rings, and selling stolen property. Gangs launder proceeds by investing in real estate, recording studios, motorcycle shops, and construction companies.

What can be done about youth gangs?

In the meantime, to prevent youth from joining gangs, communities must employ multiple strategies and services, including:

  • Addressing elevated risk factors for joining a gang.
  • Strengthening families.
  • Reducing youth’s conflicts.
  • Improving community-level supervision of youth.

What do youth gangs do?

Youth gang members often are actively involved in drug use, drug trafficking, and violence. Although drug use is strongly associated with drug trafficking and drug selling is strongly associated with other serious and violent crimes, gang drug trafficking does not necessarily cause more frequent violent offending.

Why do males join gangs?

The potential member must be willing to commit violence and be aggressive toward others; this is most of what sets the gang member apart from a non-gang member, this is one key reason why only certain boys join gangs.

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