What are some good science project ideas?

What are some good science project ideas?

Science Fair Ideas

  • Does music affect on animal behavior?
  • Does the color of food or drinks affect whether or not we like them?
  • Where are the most germs in your school? (CLICK for more info.)
  • Does music have an affect on plant growth?
  • Which kind of food do dogs (or any animal) prefer best?
  • Which paper towel brand is the strongest?

How do you judge a project?

Judging Criteria for Science Projects

  1. Research Question (10 points)
  2. Design and Methodology (15 points)
  3. Execution: Data Collection, Analysis and Interpretation (20 points)
  4. Creativity (20 points)
  5. Presentation (35 points)

How do you present a science project?

Here is a step-by-step approach to constructing your presentation:

  1. Introduce yourself.
  2. Give the title of your project.
  3. Explain the purpose of your project.
  4. Tell the judges how you got interested in this topic.
  5. Explain your procedure.
  6. Show your results.
  7. List your conclusions.

How do you judge a middle school science fair?

Judging Criteria

  1. Scientific Thought or Engineering Goals (depending on type of project) (about 30 percent)
  2. Creative Ability (about 30 percent) Does the project show creative ability and originality in the.
  3. Thoroughness (about 15 percent)
  4. Skill (about 15 percent)
  5. Clarity (about 10 percent)

What is the stupidest question ever asked?

The 30 Dumbest Questions Ever Asked Online

  • Should I tell my parents I’m adopted?
  • Do midgets have night vision?
  • If i eat myself will I get twice as big or disappear completely?
  • Does it take 18 months for twins to be born?
  • Do you think NASA invented thunderstorms to cover up the sound of space battles?
  • I swallowed an ice cube whole, and I haven’t pooped it out?

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