What is a good sentence for dedicated?

What is a good sentence for dedicated?

1 The ancient Greeks dedicated many shrines to Aphrodite. 2 Back on the island, he dedicated himself to politics. 3 This book is dedicated to my parents. 4 She dedicated her life to helping the poor.

Is dedicated to meaning?

1 : to decide that (something) will be used for (a special purpose) : to use (time, money, energy, attention, etc.) for (something) She dedicates 10 percent of each paycheck to her savings. He dedicated his life/time to helping the poor. After graduating from college, he dedicated himself to his career.

What does it mean to dedicate a song to someone?

To dedicate is to assign, to commit or to give over. If you dedicate a song you’ve written to a friend, it means the song belongs to them. If you dedicate yourself to a project, it means you give yourself to it.

What is mean dedicate?

verb (used with object), ded·i·cat·ed, ded·i·cat·ing. to set apart and consecrate to a deity or to a sacred purpose: The ancient Greeks dedicated many shrines to Aphrodite. to devote wholly and earnestly, as to some person or purpose: He dedicated his life to fighting corruption.

How do you write a dedication for someone who has died?

To start off your dedication, choose something that fits to whom or what it is. For example, you could start out with “In memory of” if you are making a dedication to a deceased individual. You could also use “To,” “For,” or “In honor of.”

How do you acknowledge a dead person?

What to say when someone dies

  1. Acknowledge the person’s death. When you are searching for what to say when someone dies, don’t be afraid to state what a terrible thing it is to have happened.
  2. Be empathetic.
  3. Be specific.
  4. Talk about the person who died.
  5. Express your own sadness.
  6. Accept anger.
  7. Keep in touch.
  8. Break your fear of upsetting someone.

How do you write something in someone’s memory?

Short Memorial Messages

  1. “Forever in our thoughts.”
  2. “Gone but never forgotten. “
  3. “Thinking of you always.”
  4. “You will be sorely missed.”
  5. “You were the light of our lives.”
  6. “With love and fond memories.”
  7. “In loving memory.”
  8. “Always in my heart.”

What do you say to remember a loved one?

This makes them ideal for an inscription or epitaph.

  1. Always in our hearts.
  2. Always on my mind, forever in my heart.
  3. You’ll be with me forever.
  4. Gone yet not forgotten.
  5. May the winds of heaven blow softly and whisper in your ear.
  6. You may be gone from my sight but you are never gone from my heart.

What can I say instead of in memory of?

What is another word for in memory of?

for as a memorial to
in commemoration of in memoriam
in remembrance of

What should you not say in a eulogy?

Among the things to avoid in a eulogy is expressing too much emotion. Uncontrollable emotions can get the best of us. The loss of a person in our lives is perhaps one of the deepest and most sensitive times we will experience. It can be difficult to process emotions and work through the stages of grief.

What do you say in a grandma’s eulogy?

Sample Eulogy for a Grandmother

  • What special memories did you share together?
  • Did you have any fun traditions?
  • What was your grandmother known for?
  • How did others perceive her?
  • Did she have a sense of humor?
  • What things will remind you of her?
  • What was your favorite quote of hers?
  • How was your life most touched by hers?

Who traditionally does the eulogy?

Family members, friends, clergy, and/or funeral conductors often give eulogies. At very religious funerals it is common for only clergy to deliver eulogies. However, even at many religious funerals it is common for others to deliver eulogies as well.

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