What is the history of Apple?

What is the history of Apple?

Company History. Apple Computers, Inc. was founded on April 1, 1976, by college dropouts Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, who brought to the new company a vision of changing the way people viewed computers. Jobs and Wozniak wanted to make computers small enough for people to have them in their homes or offices.

When was the apple company started?

1 April 1976, Cupertino, California, United States

Who invented Apple company?

Steve Jobs

What was the first Apple product?

What was the first Apple product? It was a computer, more specifically the 1976 Apple I, which had distinctly convenient computer terminal circuitry and usability. Jobs and Wozniak had to sell Jobs’s VW Microbus and Wozniak’s expensive calculator to pay for their new creation.

What was the first computer?

ENIAC computing

When was the first CPU created?


Who is the father and mother of computer?

Just as Ada Lovelace was known as the “Mother Of Computer Science,” Charles Babbage was known as the “Father Of The Programmable Computer.” He was born in 1791 and died in 1871

Who is the father of programming language?

Dennis Ritchie

Which is the heart of the computer?

Assuming you mean that the CPU (central processing unit) is the brain of the computer system, the heart of the computer system would be the clock signal on the motherboard, which provides a regular beat that allows the CPU to proceed with its work.

Is ram the brain of the computer?

You can think of a CPU as the decision maker. Another critical component in computers is memory. The two most important kinds of memory are read-only memory (ROM) and random access memory (RAM)

Which part is called the brain of computer?

Central Processing Unit (CPU) The CPU is the brain of a computer, containing all the circuitry needed to process input, store data, and output results. The CPU is constantly following instructions of computer programs that tell it which data to process and how to process it.

What is good for your heart is good for your brain?

• Maintain a healthy, well-balanced diet. A low-fat diet including vegetables, fruits, nuts, and fish is recommended for brain health. Some great options: salmon, halibut, walnuts, spinach, broccoli, and blueberries.

What type of memory Cannot be changed?

ROM or Read Only Memory is a type of non-volatile memory which means it keeps its data even if the power is turned off. However typically data in ROM cannot be changed. Computers use ROM memory when starting up and contains just enough instructions to get the computer going.

Is cache faster than RAM?

Since the cache memory is faster than RAM, and because it is located closer to the CPU, it can get and start processing the instructions and data much more quickly. The same procedure is carried out when data or instructions need to be written back to memory

Are registers faster than RAM?

Registers are faster than memory. RAM is much slower than registers

Is Ram made of registers?

depending on the context under which the term “register” is used. typically they are part of the RAM that the cpu has special access to. cpus typically (=not always) have faster access to those memory addresses. other times, “register” is nothing but ram that is specifically wired to certain peripherals

What is Ram made of?

computer memory Static RAM (SRAM) consists of flip-flops, a bistable circuit composed of four to six transistors. Once a flip-flop stores a bit, it keeps that value until the opposite value is stored in it.

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