What is the problem of the teenager Brainly?

What is the problem of the teenager Brainly?

Answer. When the teens face self-esteem and body image problems, they can become frustrated, resulting in eating disorders. The teens start feeling stress when they are exposed to peer-pressure and competition at school, or child abuse at home. Many teens take to drinking and smoking in order to relieve the stress.

What is the problem of a teenager?

The most common problems among adolescents relate to growth and development, school, childhood illnesses that continue into adolescence, mental health disorders, and the consequences of risky or illegal behaviors, including injury, legal consequences, pregnancy, infectious diseases, and substance use disorders.

What would you ask yourself before buying health products?

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Buying a New Supplement

  • Is the product independently tested?
  • Does the manufacturer have a good reputation for quality control, research, and customer service?
  • Does the product contain a therapeutic dosage of the nutrient or key active ingredient?

What kind of questions do you ask before you buy a product?

Top 10 Questions to Ask Before Purchasing Products

  1. Has the product been tested, and does it function and perform as the literature and salesperson says it will?
  2. Who else uses the product in the industry, and what do they think of the product’s usefulness and performance?
  3. Is the product cost effective, and does it fit in the current budget?

What three questions should you ask yourself before you buy anything?

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You Buy Something

  • Can I Really Afford It? First, you need to determine if you really have the money for the item.
  • What Will I Do With It? What are your plans for the purchase?
  • How Often Will I Use It? Next, determine how often you will use the item.
  • Do I Really Even Want It?
  • Can I Borrow It?

How do you ask someone to buy your product?

7 Tricks to Convince the Client to Buy

  1. Be natural and do not use scripts.
  2. Ask about the clients’ well-being.
  3. Use names while talking with a client.
  4. Prove that your products are better than those offered by competitors.
  5. Keep initiating further conversation.
  6. Specify the positive characteristics of the customer.
  7. Act on emotions.

How do I sell a pen in an interview?

How to answer the ‘sell me this pen/pencil’ question in a job…

  1. Ask the person what they do. You want to understand what kind of person you are selling to.
  2. Acknowledge how important their job is and get them talking about the last time they used a pen.
  3. Highlight an emotional use for the pen.
  4. Hand them back the pen and close the deal.

How do you convince someone to buy something you don’t need?

Give clear, detailed specifications and offer accurate comparisons with rival products. If you want customers to buy something they don’t need, give them a promotion. Encourage them to daydream and minimize factual details. Tell a story that captures their imagination.

How do you convince someone to invest?

11 Foolproof Ways to Attract Investors

  1. Try the “soft sell” via networking.
  2. Show results first.
  3. Ask for advice.
  4. Have co-founders.
  5. Pitch a return on investment.
  6. Find an investor that is also a partner, not just a check.
  7. Join a startup accelerator.
  8. Follow through.

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