What do you think when you hear science?

What do you think when you hear science?

When you hear the word ‘science’ what do you think of? Science can be thought of as both a body of knowledge (the things we have already discovered), and the process of acquiring new knowledge (through observation and experimentation—testing and hypothesising).

What is physics in simple words?

Definition. Physics is the study of energy and matter in space and time and how they are related to each other. Physics studies how things move, and the forces that make them move. For example, velocity and acceleration are used by physics to show how things move.

What comes in your mind when you hear energy?

Answer. Answer: the strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity.

How is work and energy related?

Energy should be transferred to an object in order to move it. This amount of energy transferred by the force to move an object is called work or work done. Thus, the relation between Work and Energy is direct. That is, the difference in the Kinetic energy of an object is work done by an object.

What happens to the energy of the one doing the work and to the object on which work is done?

It is only something that one object does to another. Work changes the amount of mechanical and internal energy possessed by objects. When work is done on a system or object, energy is added to it. When work is done by a system or object, it gives some of its energy to something else.

When work is done on a body does it gain energy?

Answer. it didn,t gain or loose energy. the energy of one type gets transformed into any other type.

Does the object which does the work lost energy?

When work is done by an object it loses energy and when work is done on an object it gains energy. NO WORK IS DONE if the force you exert does not make the object move in the same direction as the force you exerted.

How can energy be consumed when no work is done?

This energy comes from the chemical energy in your body and most of them are converted into heat and lost to the surrounding. In this situation, no energy is transferred to the book, so no work is done. You can feel the different energy consumption when your arm is stretched in different angle.

What happens to a body on which work is done?

Work done on a body is equal to the increase in the energy of the body, for work transfers energy to the body. If, however, the applied force is opposite to the motion of the object, the work is considered to be negative, implying that energy is taken from the object.

Does force require energy?

Force is the transfer of energy. It doesn’t require energy, it’s what we perceive as energy moves from one thing to the other.

What is the difference between force energy and power?

The major difference between force and power is that force is an action on a body or interaction of two bodies. While power is the amount of energy consumed during an action over the body. Sometimes people get confused between the terms force and power.

How does force affect energy?

When two objects interacting through a force field change relative position, the energy stored in the force field is changed. Each force between the two interacting objects acts in the direction such that motion in that direction would reduce the energy in the force field between the objects.

Is kinetic energy a force?

Kinetic energy is the energy an object has because of its motion. If we want to accelerate an object, then we must apply a force. Applying a force requires us to do work. The energy transferred is known as kinetic energy, and it depends on the mass and speed achieved.

Which is the best example that something has kinetic energy?

What are some examples of kinetic energy? when you are walking or running your body is exhibiting kinetic energy. A bicycle or skateboard in motion possesses kinetic energy. Running water has kinetic energy and it is used to run water mills.

What is kinetic energy formula?

Kinetic energy is directly proportional to the mass of the object and to the square of its velocity: K.E. = 1/2 m v2. If the mass has units of kilograms and the velocity of meters per second, the kinetic energy has units of kilograms-meters squared per second squared.

Can kinetic energy of a body be negative?

The kinetic energy of a body cannot be negative because the mass cannot be negative and the square of the speed gives a non-negative number. However, the change in kinetic energy can be negative.

How do you find the maximum kinetic energy?

This value is the maximum possible kinetic energy of the photoelectron. The equation, which Einstein determined, says (electron’s maximum kinetic energy) = (energy of the incident light energy packet) minus (the work function). For the example, the electron’s maximum kinetic energy is: 2.99 eV – 2.75 eV = 0.24 eV.

What happens to kinetic energy when velocity is doubled?

Answer. If velocity is doubled, Kinetic Energy increases by 4 times. Kinetic energy of a body is the energy possessed by it, by virtue of its motion, i.e. if the body is moving it will always have kinetic energy.

How does the kinetic energy of a body change if momentum is doubled?

Kinetic energy is directly proportional to the squared of the velocity. This means that when momentum is doubled, mass remaining constant, velocity is doubled, as a result now kinetic energy becomes four times greater than the original value.

On what factors does the kinetic energy of a body depends?

Answer. so, kinetic energy depends upon mass and velocity of the body.

What is the relation between momentum and kinetic energy?

There is a relation between kinetic energy and momentum as both the properties are linked with velocity. Momentum gets expressed as a multiplication of velocity and mass, whereas kinetic energy is the product of the square of speed and half of the mass.

When the speed of a body is doubled its kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy of a body depends on its mass and its speed. Hence, ,kinetic energy will become 4 times the original kinetic energy if the speed is doubled.

When a person is sledding down a hill where do they have the most kinetic energy?

At the bottom of the hill, you have the most kinetic energy because you are moving the fastest and all the potential energy has turned into kinetic. Sledding only works when there is snow on the ground, if you try to go sledding on a grassy hill it won’t be as fun because snow helps to eliminate friction.

What will be the kinetic energy of the car if its speed becomes 2 times?

Kinetic energy is the energy of motion. That means that for a twofold increase in speed, the kinetic energy will increase by a factor of four.

What happens to the speed of a body when its kinetic energy is increased to four times the original kinetic energy?

If the kinetic energy of a body becomes 4 times then what will be the percentage increase in its momentum. Therefore, when the kinetic energy increases by four times, then the moment will increase by two times.

When the kinetic energy of a body is increased by 3 times its momentum is increased by?

If momentum increase by 3 times, then KINETIC ENERGY will increase by 9 times. i.e., “v” is increased by 3 times. So, KE will increase by 3²(=9) times.

What will be the kinetic energy of a body when its mass is made 4 times?

Hence, The New kinetic energy is 16 times to that of original.

When the speed of a particle increases 3 times its kinetic energy what is it?

Answer. Kinetic energy is proportional to mass times velocity squared. Momentum can be increased by increasing mass and or velocity so that the product increases three times.

When the energy of the incident radiation is increased?

When the energy of the incident radiation increases the kinetic energy of the emitted electron is K′max=0.8eV . Step 2: Express the new energy (increased energy) E′ in terms of the initial energy E. It is given that the energy of the incident radiation is increased by 20%. i.e., the new energy is E′=E+0.2E=1.2E .

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