How do you find the minimum and maximum value in statistics?

How do you find the minimum and maximum value in statistics?

The min is simply the lowest observation, while the max is the highest observation. Obviously, it is easiest to determine the min and max if the data are ordered from lowest to highest. So for our data, the min is 13 and the max is 110.

What does minimum and maximum value mean?

Minimum means the least you can do of something. For example, if the minimum amount of dollars you must pay for something is seven, then you cannot pay six dollars or less (you must pay at least seven). You can do more than the minimum, but no less. Maximum means the most you can have of something.

What is the minimum and maximum value of probability?

The maximum value of the probability of an event can be 1 and its minimum value can be 0.

What is the maximum and minimum value of RF?

In chromatography, the Rf value represents the ratio between the migration distance of a substance and the migration distance of the solvent front. Rf is a coefficient called retention factor and has values that range between zero and 1.

Why Rf value has no units?

Rf values do not have units since it is a ration of distances. Because mixture solvents are often applied Rf values are usually written as the following examples: Rf = 0.66 (60% Ethanol) – if % is given it is assumed that the mixture is in water hence 60% ethanol 40% water.

Why do we calculate Rf values?

In thin-layer chromatography, the retention factor (Rf) is used to compare and help identify compounds. The Rf value of a compound is equal to the distance traveled by the compound divided by the distance traveled by the solvent front (both measured from the origin).

What are RF values?

RF value (in chromatography) The distance travelled by a given component divided by the distance travelled by the solvent front. For a given system at a known temperature, it is a characteristic of the component and can be used to identify components.

What do Rf values tell us?

The Rf values indicate how soluble the particular pigment is in the solvent by how high the pigment moves on the paper. Two pigments with the same Rf value are likely to be identical molecules. Small Rf values tend to indicate larger, less soluble pigments while the highly soluble pigments have an Rf value near to one.

What is a good RF value?

The best Rf (retention or retardation factor) lies between 0.3 and 0.7. If you want the Rf of your TLC spot to be smaller, i.e., the spot to be lower down on the plate, you must decrease the eluent polarity.

What factors affect the RF values?

Retention Factor Rf values and reproducibility can be affected by a number of different factors such as layer thickness, moisture on the TLC plate, vessel saturation, temperature, depth of mobile phase, nature of the TLC plate, sample size, and solvent parameters

What is a high RF value?

A high Rf (Ie 0.92) would refer to a substance that is very non-polar. Ie that substance moved a 92% of the entire distance the solvent traveled. A low Rf value (0.10) would refer to a substance that is very polar. IE that substance was only able to move 10% of the entire distance the solvent traveled. Term

What does an RF value of 0 mean?

did not move

Does higher RF mean more polar?

In general, the adsorptivity of compounds increases with increased polarity (i.e. the more polar the compound then the stronger it binds to the adsorbent). Non-polar compounds move up the plate most rapidly (higher Rf value), whereas polar substances travel up the TLC plate slowly or not at all (lower Rf value).

Which pigment has the highest RF value?


Can RF values be greater than 1?

Long Answer: Rf is the “Retardation Factor”, which is the ratio of the distance traveled by a compound in a mobile phase compared with the distance traveled by the front of the mobile phase itself. It is always greater than or equal to zero, and less than or equal to 1.

Which pigment has the lowest RF value?


Which pigment travels the fastest?

pigment carotene

How do you know which pigment is most soluble?

The most soluble pigment in the ether/acetone solvent traveled the farthest, and that is the carotene. The least soluble pigment traveled the shortest distance, and that was the chlorophyll b. The chlorophyll a molecule was in the middle of the other two and showed an intermediate solubility.

Why does Xanthophyll travel the least?

Xanthophyll contains oxygen and does not travel quite as far with the solvent because it is less soluble the beta carotene and forms hydrogen bonds with the paper. Chlorophylls are bound more tightly to the paper than the other two, so they travel the shortest distance.

Why does Xanthophyll travel the farthest?

Xanthophylls are oxidized derivatives of carotenes. They contain hydroxyl groups and are more polar; therefore, they are the pigments that will travel the furthest in paper chromatography.

What color is most soluble in water?


Which ink color is most soluble?

The orange colored band, made of the pigment called carotenoids. is the most soluble in alcohol, so it traveled the farthest. The yellow xanthophylls are the next most soluble, followed by the blue-green chlorophyll A. The least soluble pigment is the yellow green chlorophyll B.

How can you separate the color of water?

Separating Dyes in Water. Sometimes, people want to know what is in a mixture. Scientists use a process called chromatography (kroh-muh-tog-ruh-fee) to separate different parts of a mixture. Dots of the mixtures—different colors of washable markers—are placed on a piece of coffee filter paper.

Are black markers really black?

Black is the absence of all reflective colors, and when the three primary colors (red, yellow, and blue) are combined in just the right way, they give off the appearance of black. We set off to find out more about the predominant colors in our black Crayola marker, and to do this we had to separate the colors.

Why are black markers Green?

Why does mixing many colors of ink make black? Ink and paint get their colors by absorbing some of the colors in white light and reflecting others. Green ink looks green because it reflects the green part of white light and absorbs all the other colors.

Is a black marker a mixture?

of the ink in markers is made by mixing different pigments together. To make black, several pigments are mixed together. When the end of the paper towel strip is submerged in water the water soaks up through the paper towel. When the water passes through the black ink it takes the pigment colors with it

What Colours are in black ink?

Black ink is a mix of different colours — that combined absorb all of the white light. I got a combination of blue and red ink in my sample. Try different pens — you will see different ways to make ink appear black.

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