How do you price editing services?
A beginning editor can expect to charge right around $20 an hour. However, an experienced content editor can charge more, as much as $50 to $85 an hour (or even more, depending on what you’re doing). Even as a proofreader, after you have established yourself, you can charge $25 – $35 an hour.
What is the difference between proofreading and copy editing?
The differences are actually pretty simple to understand once they are explained. They can be summed up in two sentences: Copyeditors catch all the mistakes the author missed. Proofreaders catch all the mistakes the copyeditor missed.
What are the three stages of editing?
The stages of editing include the structural edit; rough copy edit (line editing, fact checking and other tasks); fine or final copy edit. For publications, this is followed by the graphic design and final proof reading stages, and checking the ‘final proof’ prior to publication.
What are the different levels of editing?
There are three levels of editing. They are known as substantive, copyediting and proofreading. The editor assesses the purpose of your text, who will read it and why.
Which comes first revising or editing?
Revising your novel is a lot more involved than editing, and usually happens before the final edit. This is a process you as the writer will actually do most of yourself. During the revision process, it is usually a good idea to make sure your writing style matches the goal and purpose of your written piece.
What is the difference between line editing and copy editing?
While these terms are often used interchangeably, they’re not quite the same. Copy editing is a general term for editing a piece of text, mostly encompassing mechanics like spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Line editing is a particular kind of copy editing, one that focuses mainly on style.
What is the difference between copyediting and editing?
What is the difference? To answer this in simple terms: Editing focuses on the meaning of your content, while copyediting focuses on its technical quality.
What does editing include?
Editing involves making revisions to and suggestions about the content of a document. It includes improving the accuracy of language, the flow, the organization and structure, and the overall readability of the text. It also involves checking for grammatical and spelling errors.
How much does a freelance copy editor make?
Of course, the pay is different. There’s no annual salary. According to a chart from the Editor’s Freelance Association, freelance copy editors charge anywhere from $30-$100 per hour, depending on the type of work.