What are the steps in a case study?

What are the steps in a case study?

What are Case Studies?

  1. Determine the research question and carefully define it.
  2. Choose the cases and state how data is to be gathered and which techniques for analysis you’ll be using.
  3. Prepare to collect the data.
  4. Collect the data in the field (or, less frequently, in the lab).
  5. Analyze the data.
  6. Prepare your report.

How do you outline a case study?


  1. Title. A thoughtful title that captures the essence of the case study.
  2. Abstract. (or Summary) A one- or two-paragraph statement summing up the study (what, why, when, where, how, and who).
  3. Introduction. (or Background).
  4. Hypothesis. (or Hypotheses).
  5. Methodology.
  6. Results (or Data).
  7. Analysis.
  8. Conclusions.

What are the parts of a case study?

Components of A Case Study Report

  • Cover page including basic student and class information.
  • Table of contents showing where key parts of the report can be found.
  • Executive summary of the key recommendations and points of the report.
  • Introduction to the report and identification of the focal problem being faced.

How do you identify case studies?

Hands-on Guide: How to Analyze a Case Study

  1. Identify the most important facts surrounding the case.
  2. Identify the key issue or issues.
  3. Specify alternative courses of action.
  4. Evaluate each course of action.
  5. Recommend the best course of action.

What are the two types of cases?

Types of Cases

  • Criminal Cases. Criminal cases involve enforcing public codes of behavior, which are codified in the laws of the state.
  • Civil Cases. Civil cases involve conflicts between people or institutions such as businesses, typically over money.
  • Family Cases.

How does a court case start?

When the court is ready for the trial to begin, each side can make an opening statement. In a criminal case, the prosecuting attorney speaks first. Either attorney may decide not to give an opening statement. Witnesses – The prosecuting attorney begins the case by calling witnesses and asking them questions.

How does a criminal case begin?

A criminal case usually gets started with a police arrest report. The prosecutor then decides what criminal charges to file, if any. Some cases go to a preliminary hearing, where a judge decides if there is enough evidence to proceed. Cases can also start when a grand jury issues a criminal indictment.

Where are criminal cases heard?

Types of Criminal Offences The overwhelming majority of cases are heard in the magistrates’ court, but some cases of a more serious nature can move on to the Crown Court.

Which Criminal Court hears cases first?

Criminal cases come to court after a decision has been made by, usually the Crown Prosecution Service, to prosecute someone for an alleged crime. In the vast majority of cases (over 95 per cent), magistrates hear the evidence and, as a panel, make a decision on guilt or innocence.

Why do criminal court cases take so long?

Defense attorneys sometimes want independent analysis of scientific evidence to dispute findings by prosecution witnesses. These type of issues take time to investigate and resolve and judges generally authorize the delays. Having more than one defendant or attorney on the case can also slow things down.

Who brings criminal cases to court?

Only the government initiates a criminal case, usually through the U.S. attorney’s office, in coordination with a law enforcement agency. Allegations of criminal behavior should be brought to the local police, the FBI, or another appropriate law enforcement agency.

What are criminal cases give two examples?

Criminal Law will deal with serious crimes such as murder, rapes, arson, robbery, assault etc. Civil Law is initiated by the aggrieved individual or organisation or also known as ‘plaintiff. ‘ The Government files the petition in case of criminal law.

What are the seven basic steps in a criminal case?

  • Investigation.
  • Charging.
  • Initial Hearing/Arraignment.
  • Discovery.
  • Plea Bargaining.
  • Preliminary Hearing.
  • Pre-Trial Motions.
  • Trial.

What types of cases are criminal cases?

Types of Court Cases

  • Financial fraud.
  • Bank robbery.
  • Counterfeiting.
  • Kidnapping.
  • Threatening the president or other federal officials or buildings.
  • Committing a crime on federal property.
  • Committing a crime using interstate commerce.
  • Committing a crime that involves a conspiracy.

What are the 3 types of criminal Offences?

Procedurally, there are three classes of offence: summary offences; hybrid offences; and. indictable offences.

What are the 6 types of crimes?

Terms in this set (7)

  • 6 types of crime. violent, property, public order, white collar, organized, high tech.
  • violent crime. murder, assault, kidnapping, manslaughter, rape.
  • property crimes. arson (to an extent), vandalism, burglary, theft, shoplifting.
  • public order crimes.
  • white collar crime.
  • organized crime.
  • high tech crime.

How are criminal charges filed?

Criminal charges are brought against a person in one of three ways: Through an indictment voted by a grand jury. Through the filing of an information by the prosecuting attorney (also called the county, district, or state’s attorney) alleging that a crime was committed.

What are the three types of charging documents?

There are three types of charging documents: an Indictment, a Complaint, and an Information.

How do I find charges filed against someone?

If charges have been filed against you, you can ask for a copy of the police report through the DA’s office. This report contains such information as the names of all people involved, incident description, and date and place of the incident.

How can a criminal case be dismissed?

Some grounds for dismissal include:

  1. lack of probable cause to arrest.
  2. an improper criminal complaint or charging document.
  3. an illegal stop or search.
  4. lack of evidence to prove the defendant committed the crime.
  5. an unavailable witness who is necessary to prove defendant committed the crime, and.

What is a weak criminal case?

Signs a Criminal Case is Weak: Unavailable Witness or Lost Evidence. If key witnesses or key pieces of evidence suddenly become unavailable or missing, then the prosecution may have no choice but to dismiss the case, especially if that testimony or evidence is crucial in establishing guilt beyond reasonable doubt.

What are the steps in criminal procedure?

The major steps in processing a criminal case are as follows:

  1. Investigation of a crime by the police.
  2. Arrest of a suspect by the police.
  3. Prosecution of a criminal defendant by a district attorney.
  4. Indictment by a grand jury or the filing of an information by a prosecutor.
  5. Arraignment by a judge.

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