What is a APSA?

What is a APSA?

The American Political Science Association (APSA) is a professional association of political science students and scholars in the United States.

What citation style is used in law school?

The Bluebook is the main citation manual for law in the U.S. This guide lists Bluebook alternatives, but you should assume that Bluebook format is preferred by academic law journals and law school writing programs

What is the preferred method for formatting names of legal cases?

Basic Case Citation Note: In court documents (briefs, motions) and legal memoranda, a full case name is usually italicized or underlined. In academic legal writing (i.e., a law review article), full case names are generally not underlined or italicized.

What does WL mean in legal citation?

Parallel Citations: These parallel citations contain the same text of the opinion, but they are printed in reporters published by other. companies, posted on the web or in LexisNexis or Westlaw. ” WL” stands for WESTLAW and “U.S. LEXIS” stands for United States.

How do you in text cite a Supreme Court case in APA?

To cite a court case or decision, list the name of the case, the volume and abbreviated name of the reporter, the page number, the name of the court, the year, and optionally the URL. The case name is italicized in the in-text citation, but not in the reference list

How do I cite a public law in APA?

Name of Act § Section number, Volume number U.S.C. § Section number (Year). Name of Act, Pub

How do you cite a public act?

For each citation, include:

  1. Public law number (P.L.) and title, if provided.
  2. Statutes at Large (Stat.) volume and page, date, and enacted bill number, if known.
  3. Database name (Text from: United States Public Laws)
  4. Web service name (Available from: LexisNexis® Congressional)
  5. Date accessed by the user (Accessed: date)

How do you cite a state code?

Therefore, the proper citation format is:

  1. The title number.
  2. The abbreviation of the code used (here, U.S.C.A. or U.S.C.S.)
  3. The section symbol (§) followed by a space and the section number containing the statute.
  4. The name of the publisher (West or LexisNexis)
  5. The year of the code.

How do you cite a law in APA 7th edition?

State Statute in State Code

  1. Consult the Bluebook for formats of other states.
  2. The Template for federal or state statutes is as follows: Reference List: Name of Act, Title Source § Section Number (Year). URL. Parenthetical Citation: (Name of Act, Year) Narrative Citation: Name of Act (Year)

How do I cite a law review article in APA?

Law Review Last name, Initials. (Year). Title, sentence style capitalization. Journal name, volume, starting page

How do you cite a bill in APA 7th edition in text?

Citing a Federal Bill Include the bill title (if relevant), the abbreviated name of the house (H.R. or S.) and number of the bill, the number of the Congress, and the year of publication. When the URL is available, include it at the end of the reference list entry.

How do you cite a testimony?

REFERENCE LIST ENTRY. Title of Hearing, Number of Congress Cong. Page (Year) (testimony of Name of witness)

How do you cite a state executive order?

In-text citation:

  1. Order number.
  2. Volume number and name of the code in which the order appears (e.g., executive orders always in appear in 3 C.F.R.)
  3. Page number.
  4. Year that the order was promulgated.

How do you cite FDA regulations?

Name, Title number Source § xxx (Year)….The Rules for Federal Regulations: I. The Code of Federal Regulations

  1. Name of the regulation. Start the reference with the name of the regulation if the regulation is commonly identified by its name.
  2. Title number.
  3. Abbreviated name of the source.
  4. Section number.
  5. Date.

How do you cite an executive order AMA?

References to bulletins published by departments or agencies of a government should include the following information, in the order indicated:

  1. name of author (if available)
  2. title of bulletin.
  3. place of publication.
  4. name of issuing bureau, agency, department, or other governmental division.
  5. date of publication.

How do you cite Treasury regulations?

Citations. Unlike other regulations which are cited to the Code of Federal Regulations, Treasury Regulations are not cited to the C.F.R. and are cited as, for example, Treas. Reg. §1.72-16(a) (1963)

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