ZOTERO, manager of bibliographic references of free access

ZOTERO, gestor de referencias bibliográficas de acceso libre

Zotero is a manager or handler of bibliographical references, of free access, which works as an extension to the Firefox browser. Allows users to create their own database (library) where you can: save, manage, search, organize, and cite sources of all types. Zotero resides in your Firefox browser, but the Standalone version in Alpha (desktop) works with Safari and Chrome browsers via a plugin.

Zotero can be downloaded at: http://www.zotero.org/

Main functions:

  • Automatic capture of citation information in web pages
  • Storage of PDFs, files, images, links and entire web pages
  • Notes flexible with auto save
  • Quick search in all your materials while you write
  • Organization of the library list type of reproduction, including saved searches (smart collections) and tags
  • Platform for new forms of digital research that can be extended with other tools and web services
  • Export citations with format (style list to make it increase quickly)
  • Integration with Microsoft Word and OpenOffice.org

For more information you can refer to the following Basic Guide to Zotero:

Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel.

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