What is a thesis statement example?

What is a thesis statement example?

Example: To make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, you must procure the ingredients, find a knife, and spread the condiments. This thesis showed the reader the topic (a type of sandwich) and the direction the essay will take (describing how the sandwich is made).

What do you say in a thesis statement?

A strong thesis statement is specific. A thesis statement should show exactly what your paper will be about, and will help you keep your paper to a manageable topic. For example, if you’re writing a seven-to-ten page paper on hunger, you might say: World hunger has many causes and effects.

What are the two types of thesis statements?

1. There are two major types of thesis statements: explanatory and argumentative. The explanatory thesis announces the subject to the reader; it never declares a stance which needs an argument to defend. These explanatory theses are evident in expository essays and research essays.

Can you have 2 thesis statements?

Where does a Thesis Statement go? Your thesis should be stated somewhere in the opening paragraphs of your paper, most often as the last sentence of the introduction. Often, a thesis will be one sentence, but for complex subjects, you may find it more effective to break the thesis statement into two sentences.

What type of sentence is used to write a thesis statement?

1.2 A thesis statement is a single declarative sentence. A declarative sentence is simply a sentence that makes a statement rather than asking a question or making a command.

Can thesis statement be a question?

Is a thesis statement a question? A thesis statement is not a question. A statement has to be debatable and prove itself using reasoning and evidence. A question, on the other hand, cannot state anything.

How do you introduce a topic example?


  1. State an interesting fact or statistic about your topic.
  2. Ask a rhetorical question.
  3. Reveal a common misconception about your topic.
  4. Set the scene of your story: who, when, where, what, why, how?
  5. Share an anecdote (a humorous short story) that captures your topic.

What is a topic sentence for an essay?

A topic sentence also states the point the writer wishes to make about that subject. Generally, the topic sentence appears at the beginning of the paragraph. It is often the paragraph’s very first sentence. A paragraph’s topic sentence must be general enough to express the paragraph’s overall subject.

What is a topic sentence vs thesis statement?

While the thesis gives unity to the essay, the topic sentence gives unity to the paragraph by developing one major point suggested in the controlling idea of the thesis. Like the thesis, the topic sentence is integral to the organization of the essay.

How do you start a topic sentence in an essay?

Writing strong topic sentences

  1. Step 1: Write a thesis statement. The first step to developing your topic sentences is to make sure you have a strong thesis statement.
  2. Step 2: Make an essay outline and draft topic sentences.
  3. Step 3: Expand with evidence.
  4. Step 4: Refine your topic sentences.

Can a topic sentence be a question?

Unlike thesis statements, topic sentences can be questions that your paragraphs answer. Ideally, your topic sentences should relate to your thesis statement. As a question, your topic sentence could work to pique your reader’s curiosity, but you must also be sure that the paragraph answers your question.

How do you turn a thesis into a question?

Try it now!

  1. State your topic. Your topic is the essential idea of your paper.
  2. State your main idea about this topic.
  3. Give a reason that supports your main idea.
  4. Give another reason that supports your main idea.
  5. Give one more reason that supports your main idea.
  6. Include an opposing viewpoint to your main idea, if applicable.

How do you write a strong sentence?

The Art Of Writing Powerful Sentences

  1. Trim the fat. The rule of thumb in writing powerful sentences is that less is more.
  2. Move strong words to the beginning or end. The first and last words of a sentence are the most memorable.
  3. Get to the point.
  4. Don’t use fluff.
  5. Get rid of passive voice.
  6. Choose better verbs.
  7. Create an image in few words.
  8. Build suspense.

How do you turn a question into a statement?

In a standard English yes-or-no question, the verb precedes the subject, often a helping verb like “is,” “must” or “can.” If the question is not yes-or-no, it begins with a question word, like “who,” “what,” “when” or “where.” To turn a question into a statement, remove the question word and put the sentence into …

What is an I statement example?

Some examples of “I” statements: A father wants his young child to stop calling him rude names during playtime. If you call me a rude name one more time, I’m going to send you straight to bed!” “I” statement response: “I feel very sad when I hear rude words because they hurt my feelings.

What is Command statement?

Commands are a type of sentence in which someone is being told to do something. There are three other sentence types: questions, exclamations and statements. Command sentences usually, but not always, start with an imperative (bossy) verb because they tell someone to do something.

What is the example of command sentence?

Command sentences ordinarily, but not always, begin with an imperative (fussy) verb because they tell someone to do something. Examples: – ” Stop talk! ” shouted the teacher. – ” Catch the ball! ” screamed the crowd. Hello, Examples: Pass the salt.

What is command example?

An example of command is a dog owner telling their dog to sit. An example of command is the job of controlling a group of military people. To have control or authority over; rule. A general who commands an army.

Is a command a full sentence?

Linguists, who try to make rules that work across all languages, certainly consider commands to be complete sentences. Provided they’re grammatical imperatives, yes, they’re complete sentences. Imperatives and Interrogatives are different kinds of sentences, but not incomplete.

What is simple commands?

SimpleNames are an optional alias you give your items that makes their names easier to remember, type, and for Alexa or Google Assistant to understand. Relay commands to Alexa as if you were talking with her in a conversation.

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