How do you do in text citations for MLA?

How do you do in text citations for MLA?

Using In-text Citation MLA in-text citation style uses the author’s last name and the page number from which the quotation or paraphrase is taken, for example: (Smith 163). If the source does not use page numbers, do not include a number in the parenthetical citation: (Smith).

How do you do MLA in text citations for websites?

Websites don’t usually have page numbers, so the in-text citation is just the author name in parentheses….Citing online articles.

Format Author last name, First name. “Title of Article.” Website Name, Day Month Year, URL.
In-text citation (Smith)

How do you arrange a citation alphabetically?

The works cited list is put into alphabetical order by the authors’ names, determined by the letters that come before the commas separating the authors’ last and first names.

How do you organize a citation in APA format?

Order: Entries should be arranged in alphabetical order by authors’ last names. Sources without authors are arranged alphabetically by title within the same list. The references are arranged alphabetically, by the last name of the first author or, if author is not available – by title.

How do you alphabetize APA citations?

Alphabetize your references by the last names of authors (American Psychological Association, 2010, p. 181) or titles of works which do not identify an author (p. 183). Order multiple references by the same author chronologically.

How do you reorder a citation in Word?

In the word document right click the bracket that has multiple references and select ‘edit citation’. Here after clicking ‘more’ a window pops up that allows you to change the order of the refences.

How do I indent a citation in Word?

These steps work in both the full desktop version and the Office 365 online version of Word.

  1. Highlight the citation(s) you want to indent.
  2. Right click and select “Paragraph.”
  3. Under “Indentation – Special” select “Hanging.”
  4. Click “OK.”

How do you organize an endnote citation?


  1. Go to “Edit > Output Styles > Open Style Manager”.
  2. Highlight the output style you would like to change, and click the “Edit” button.
  3. Go to “Sort Order” under “Bibliography”.
  4. Here, select the sort order you would like to use or click “Other” to choose additional sorting options.

How do you order references in text?

Order the citations of two or more works by different authors within the same parentheses alphabetically in the same order in which they appear in the reference list (including citations that would otherwise shorten to et al.). Separate the citations with semicolons.

How do you cite two in-text citations in one sentence MLA?

For multiple citations in one sentence MLA, you will need to mention the name of the first author and then the “et al” phrase (that means others) excluding quotation marks. For instance, “In a discussion by Dee and his colleagues….”or you can include in-text citations in the end as (Dee et al. 43).

How do you cite an article in MLA format?

In-text citations include the last name of the author followed by a page number enclosed in parentheses. “Here’s a direct quote” (Smith 8). If the author’s name is not given, then use the first word or words of the title. Follow the same formatting that was used in the Works Cited list, such as quotation marks.

How do you cite an article title in-text?

Use double quotation marks for title of an article, a chapter, or a web page. Use italics for title of a periodical, a book, a brochure or a report.

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