What are the main points of the Federalist Papers No 10 51 and 78?

What are the main points of the Federalist Papers No 10 51 and 78?

Addresses the question of how to guard against “factions”, or groups of citizens, with interests contrary to the rights of others or the interests of the whole community. Madison argued that a strong, big republic would be a better guard against those dangers than smaller republics—for instance, the individual states.

What does Hamilton’s sword and purse mean?

sayeth Hamilton, “The judiciary has no influence over either the sword or the purse. It may be said to have neither FORCE nor WILL but merely judgment,” What does Hamilton mean by the “sword” and the “purse”? The sword is enforcement and the purse is money from the Congress.

What branch of government is the strongest?


What does sword and purse mean?

the military power and financial resources of a nation.

Is the Supreme Court still the weakest of the three branches of government?

The judicial branch—even though it has the power to interpret laws—is considered the weakest of the three branches by many because it cannot ensure that its decisions are enforced.

What is the least dangerous branch of government?


Which branch of the federal government might be considered the weakest?

the judicial branch

Is the Supreme Court the weakest branch?

The Founding Fathers considered the US Supreme Court to be the weakest of the three branches of government since, as Alexander Hamilton noted, it held “neither sword nor purse strings.” The longest serving current justice is Clarence Thomas, who has been on the Court since 1991.

Why does Hamilton believe that judges should have life terms as long as they maintain good behavior?

The courts are created to check power of former decisions between the legislature and the people. First, Hamilton says that life tenures frees judges from political pressure that come from the legislature or executive. This allows judges to guard against unconstitutional laws.

What does Brutus 1 say about impeachment?

The only clause in the constitution which provides for the removal of the judges from office, is that which declares, that “the president, vice-president, and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from office, on impeachment for, and conviction of treason, bribery, or other high crimes and …

What arguments does Hamilton give for establishing the permanency of judicial offices?

What arguments does Hamilton advance for establishing permanency of judicial offices? Less of a threat to the liberties of the people. “There is no liberty, if the power of judging be not separated from the legislative and executive powers,” as the judiciary must curb the influence of the other powers.

What are the two most famous Federalist Papers?

The Federalist Papers were published primarily in two New York state newspapers: The New York Packet and The Independent Journal. They were reprinted in other newspapers in New York state and in several cities in other states.

What is a federalist?

The supporters of the proposed Constitution called themselves “Federalists.” Their adopted name implied a commitment to a loose, decentralized system of government. In many respects “federalism” — which implies a strong central government — was the opposite of the proposed plan that they supported.

How did the Federalist Papers influence the constitution?

The 85 essays succeeded by helping to persuade doubtful New Yorkers to ratify the Constitution. Today, The Federalist Papers helps us to more clearly understand what the writers of the Constitution had in mind when they drafted that amazing document 200 years ago.

What did the Federalists believe?

Federalists wanted a strong central government. They believed that a strong central government was necessary if the states were going to band together to form a nation. A strong central government could represent the nation to other countries.

Why did the Federalists oppose a bill of rights?

When challenged over the lack of individual liberties, the Federalists argued that the Constitution did not include a bill of rights because the new Constitution did not vest in the new government the authority to suppress individual liberties.

Why did Madison and Hamilton fall out?

Hamilton and Madison wrote the Constitution together and designed the American form of government with three branches and checks and balances on each. The relationship chilled when Hamilton became Secretary of the Treasury and Madison objected to his financial policies.

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