How do you paraphrase something without plagiarizing?

How do you paraphrase something without plagiarizing?

How to paraphrase in five steps

  1. Read the passage several times to fully understand the meaning.
  2. Note down key concepts.
  3. Write your version of the text without looking at the original.
  4. Compare your paraphrased text with the original passage and make minor adjustments to phrases that remain too similar.

What is an unacceptable paraphrase?

Examples of Unacceptable Paraphrases. If there are more than two words in a row that are identical to the text, you are copying, not. summarizing. I would much rather see grammatically incorrect insights into the paper than a cut-and-paste.

Is 25 on Turnitin bad?

Green indicates matches between 1% and 24% and is the most common. While a Green score might suggest the document is OK, it is simply an indication of the amount of matched text, so potentially, up to 24% of the document could still have been copied without referencing. Yellow –25% – 49% matching text.

Is 17 on Turnitin bad?

Generally, 17% similarity is not bad, but higher that what most universities like to see at ~10%. Regardless of the percentage, faculty will often review the associated originality report to see what the similarity consists of.

Is 5 on Turnitin bad?

It’s alright as long as you’re under 15%. Generally, I’ve found my works cited section that scores the highest for similarity. I remember my biology teacher in grade 12 allowed us to view the similarity, and my works cited document had 50% similarity.

What do colors mean on Turnitin?

The color of the icon represents the similarity index percentage as follows: gray (originality report has not been generated) blue (no matching words) green (1-24% similarity index) yellow (25-49% similarity index)

How do I check my similarity on Turnitin before submitting?

To check similarity score before submitting your paper through Turnitin, you can use Turnitin’s self-checker and scan your drafts for plagiarism via its Feedback Studio. Better yet, you can use other plagiarism scanners as alternatives.

Why is my Turnitin score so low?

Other reasons may be: If the assignment question has not been used before, or the assessment type is a short assessment task such as annotated bibliography, paraphrase exercise or personal reflection exercise. Turnitin only text-matches against resources that are available electronically.

Can you get in trouble for plagiarizing yourself?

Consequences of self-plagiarism Self-plagiarism is not as serious as some other types of plagiarism, but your university will probably have a specific policy on self-plagiarism. At most universities, violation of the plagiarism policy results in an automatic zero and possible suspension or expulsion.

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