How do you write AMA format?

How do you write AMA format?

AMA Style

  1. Margins: One inch margins are required around the text.
  2. Line Spacing: Double-space the main text (single space only within the abstract, notes, titles and headings, block quotes, tables and figures, and references—everything but the main text)
  3. Font: Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.

What is AMA style citation?

The AMA format is widely used for citing sources in medical research. This information, created by the American Medical Association, is taken from AMA Manual of Style: A Guide for Authors and Editors (10th Edition).

Can et al be written?

1 Answer. The grammatically correct way is “Einstein et al.’s paper”, because to indicate possession by a noun phrase in English, the ‘s should be applied to the end of the phrase. I’d recommend using a different wording like “the paper of Einstein et al.” or “Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen’s paper”.

How do you pronounce et al?

“et al.” is an abbreviation. When read aloud, you pronounce the full term “et alii” (or “et alia”) – same as you would say “et cetera” when reading aloud the “etc.” abbreviation. Alternatively, you could say “and others” – same as you would say “for example” when reading aloud the “e.g.” abbreviation.

How do you write thesis in et al?

Modern Language Association (MLA) Style Manual: For research papers having three or more authors, MLA states that, for the reference list, the first author’s surname should be cited, followed by a comma, then the rest of the name, followed by “et al.” For in-text citations, the first author’s surname is followed by “et …

How do you write italic et al?

Latin and italics: “et al.” is not italicized or underlined (van Leunen, p. 27: “Write it without either underlining or italics.”; Chicago Manual of Style 7.56: “Commonly used Latin words and abbreviations should not be italicized.

How do you end a sentence with etc?

Answer: Generally, in American English, if “etc.” is used in the middle of a sentence, it is followed by a comma. However, if the word “etc.” appears at the end of a sentence then the period (which is part of “etc.”) serves as the final punctuation mark.

What can I say instead of etc?

other words for et cetera

  • along with others.
  • and all.
  • and on and on.
  • and others.
  • and so on.
  • and the like.
  • and the rest.
  • whatever.

What is ETC full form?

Et cetera

What does ETC mean in English?

Can I use etc in an essay?

It is perfectly ok to use etc. in an academic paper. Just note, however, that both of them are very sparingly and carefully used in serious writing. Try to list fully or describe the list instead.

How do you read etc?

Etc is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase et cetera (meaning “and the rest”). In English, it is pronounced as the entire phrase (even if it is abbreviated). The “c” in “cetera” is soft in modern English, so it sounds like an “s”.

How do you use etc in a sentence?

“Etc.” is used to indicate that only some of the items from a list have been used. Generally, in American English, if “etc.” is used in the middle of a sentence, it is followed by a comma. (Tennis, soccer, baseball, etc., are outdoor games.)

How do you say etc in academic writing?

This rule is quite simple. If you use “etc.” in the middle of a sentence, and it is not enclosed in parentheses, then you must use a comma after the abbreviation. If it is in parentheses in the middle of a sentence or at the end of a sentence, no comma is needed.

Do you put and before etc?

Nevertheless, the style that seems to be recommended the most is to always include a comma before “etc.”; it is recommended even by those who discourage the use of the Oxford comma (the comma before the last item in a list). Note, however, that the period after “etc” should always be included.

How do you use for example correctly?

You use for example to introduce and emphasize something which shows that something is true. toys designed to promote the development of, for example, children’s spatial ability. Take, for example, the simple sentence: ‘The man climbed up the hill’.

What is the correct abbreviation for example?


What should I put after for example?

A comma or a semicolon is placed before for example. A comma is placed after it. The example phrase is placed directly after the word it modifies.

How can I start my paragraph?

The First Paragraph: The Introduction

  1. Describe your main idea, or what the essay is about, in one sentence.
  2. Develop a thesis statement, or what you want to say about the main idea.
  3. List three points or arguments that support your thesis in order of importance (one sentence for each).

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