What is a white paper PDF?

What is a white paper PDF?

A white paper is an authoritative document intended to fully inform the reader on a particular topic. It combines expert knowledge and research into a document that argues for a specific solution or recommendation. The white paper allows the reader to understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision.

What is a white paper document?

A white paper, also written as “whitepaper”, is an informational document usually issued by a company or not-for-profit organization to promote or highlight the features of a solution, product, or service that it offers or plans to offer.

Why do white papers fail?

They may have had internal conflicts over objective, scope or audience that arose after development of the white paper had begun. Or they may have chosen the wrong writer. Choosing the wrong writer is another common cause of white paper failure.

How many pages should a white paper be?

8 pages

Are white papers legally binding?

Even as you disclaim this and that, your white paper can be a piece of evidence in a court action. A blind date is not consent for a no-show. And white papers, even with a disclaimer, can be legally binding.

What is another name for white paper?

white book

What is the difference between a green paper and a white paper?

WHITE PAPERS are issued by the Government as statements of policy, and often set out proposals for legislative changes, which may be debated before a Bill is introduced. GREEN PAPERS set out for discussion, proposals which are still at a formative stage.

What is a red paper?

red paper definition, red paper meaning | English dictionary 1 a substance made from cellulose fibres derived from rags, wood, etc., often with other additives, and formed into flat thin sheets suitable for writing on, decorating walls, wrapping, etc.

What was the purpose of the red paper?

The Red Paper calls the Government of Canada to recognize the Numbered Treaties as binding and valid legal documents, demanding that the Government has a responsibility to not only maintain such doctrines but also to “incorporate the treaties in updated terms in an amendment to the Canadian Constitution.”

Why was the red paper written?

When the Indian Association of Alberta (IAA) presented Citizens Plus (the Red Paper), in 1970 as a counter punch to Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau’s Statement of the Government of Canada on Indian Policy, 1969 (the White Paper), it marked a significant watershed moment in the history of Indigenous leaders fighting on …

Who presented the red paper to the federal government?

Minister Pierre Trudeau

Who wrote the red paper?

The Red Paper strongly defended treaty rights and Indigenous rights to lands, public services and self-determination. Cardinal authored two strongly critical statements on Indigenous policy in Canada,The Unjust Society (1969) andThe Rebirth of Canada’s Indians (1977).

What was the Hawthorn report?

Based on a series of cross-Canada consultations, the 1966-1967 Hawthorn Report concluded that Canada’s First Nations were marginalized and disadvantaged due to misguided government policies like the residential school system (which the Report recommended closing).

What does citizen plus mean?

The phrase “citi- zens plus,” coined in the 1966 Haw- thorn Report, defined Aboriginal people as citizens “who possessed the same rights and responsibilities as other Canadians, in addition to those rights guaranteed through trea- ties and initial occupation of North America.” “Citizens plus” status, according to …

What happened to the white paper?

In 1970, Cardinal and the IAA rejected the White Paper by publishing the document Citizens Plus, which became known as the Red Paper. The Brown Paper aimed to protect the special and legal relationship between First Nations and the federal government. It also sought self-determination for Indigenous peoples.

Why did Harold Cardinal reject the White Paper?

Cardinal wrote that Cree like himself wanted to remain “a red tile in the Canadian mosaic” and that the First Nations were equally opposed to “a White Paper for white people created by the white elephant.” Cardinal called the assumptions of the White Paper “cultural genocide” and argued that Trudeau and Chrétien had …

What was the red paper written in response to?

The Red Paper was adopted by the National Indian Brotherhood as the official response to the White Paper. treaty rights that First Nations people signed with the Crown over a century prior to 1970.

When was the White Paper published?


What is a white paper copywriter?

A white paper is an authoritative report that gives INFORMATION OR RECOMMENDATIONS. Again, unlike the kind of copy that you typically write as a copywriter, a white paper is written to inform, not to sell. The goal of a white paper is to make recommendations, not to persuade someone to buy something.

What is a white page?

: the section of a telephone directory that lists individuals and businesses alphabetically.

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