What is a jargon example?

What is a jargon example?

Jargon. Jargon is the term for specialized or technical language that is only understood by those who are members of a group or who perform a specific trade. For example, the legal profession has many terms that are considered jargon, or terms that only lawyers and judges use frequently.

How do you use jargon?

Do Know Your Audience This valuable rule should be applied to anything you write, but especially when you’re using industry jargon. If jargon includes terms and phrases that only a specific group of people will understand, then don’t use it when writing something for a more general audience.

What is jargon in speech?

Jargon: strings of vowels and consonants with conversational intonation, without or with minimal production of meaningful words.

What is jargon in communication?

Jargon is the language of specialized terms used by a group or profession. It’s common shorthand among experts and used sensibly can be a quick and efficient way of communicating. Every profession, trade and organization has its own specialized terms.

How do you overcome jargon in communication?

  1. Use simple words and phrases.
  2. Avoid hidden verbs.
  3. Avoid noun strings.
  4. Avoid jargon.
  5. Minimize abbreviations.
  6. Minimize definitions.
  7. Use the same terms consistently.
  8. Place words carefully.

Why do we use jargon?

To specialized audiences, jargon is precise and marks professionals in the discipline. The terms are somewhat obscure and often intimidating to others. Jargon, as a negative term refers to wordy, ponderous, inflated phrasing used by writers to make their ideas sound profound and their prose sound impressive.

Does jargon make communication more or less effective?

If the language you use is hiding your true meaning and confusing the audience, your message will be pointlessly lost. That’s why jargon is considered the enemy of effective communication and speaking like a real human being, using everyday language, is considered to be more effective and engaging.

What is jargon in business writing?

Jargon is specialized terminology used to define specific words and phrases used in a particular profession, trade, and/or group. Jargon is a type of language that is used in a particular context and may not be well understood outside that context.

What is jargon in technical writing?

Dictionary definitions of jargon include: a. Unintelligible or meaningless talk or writing. b. A simplified artificial language, usually devised to assist in communication between people who don’t speak the same language.

Is jargon used in technical writing?

Avoid jargon. Technical jargon is used only if the writer is communicating with readers who are in specific trades and will understand the message. However, using jargon when communicating with readers outside of the trade will result in the reader having no reference to what the message is saying.

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