How do you compare two literary works?

How do you compare two literary works?

Comparing Literary Works

  1. Consider which works you want to compare/contrast.
  2. Reread your selections taking notes as you go. You could make a list of themes from each work and compare them side by side.
  3. Try to determine the central theme of the work you are considering.
  4. Look for a second work that has a similar theme.

How do you write a comparative essay between a book and a movie?

First, you can write about each thing separately and then include a section in which you make comparisons and contrasts between them. With this organization, you would first write about the strengths and weakness of the book, and then about the movie.

How are books and movies similar?

Movies and books carry plenty of similarities, not only they narrate the same story, but they also make a connection with the characters and the person viewing the …show more content… Movies convey their emotions by hearing and by the picture, thanks to the great sound and visual effects the details seem more real.

What are the differences between books and movies?

The major difference between books and movies is the amount of time each has to tell the story. A movie has a strict time frame of 1.5 to 3 hours whereas the time frame for a book is unlimited. Once the production company decides they want to make the book into a movie, the author has little say.

Is it better to watch the movie or read the book?

Movies are comparatively quick and easy, so if the book has a storyline that you’re on the fence about, watching the movie can help make the decision. If it’s great, reading the book will give you more insight into the characters and depth of the plot.

Are books better or movies?

Most of the time books are better than movies. Books can let you imagine the setting or events happening in the story. They are also more detailed than movies because movies sometimes leave out some important details. I’ve read books before that have a plot twist at the end and in the movie it never happens.

Is watching a movie better than reading a book?

Watching a motion picture is an inherently more passive experience than reading a book. Yet it imparts content in a much more easily consumable way than a book of commensurate length. Movies are more tangible, visual, and compact than comparable written works, and are therefore easier to remember.

What are the negatives of reading?

20 Disadvantages Of Reading Books

  • Books Can Look Messy.
  • So many books and so little time.
  • Unsure Of What to Believe.
  • Reading Is Boring.
  • You can get eyestrain if you read for too long without taking a break.
  • Your body can get sick from just sitting down and not moving.
  • They can become outdated and need to be updated.

Is reading better for your brain than watching TV?

So far, reading looks pretty good compared to television. Reading calms the nerves, increases language and reasoning, and can even keep you mentally alert as you age. TV, on the other hand, has the opposite effect. On the other hand, reading books together increased the amount and level of communication.

Why movies are better then books?

While reading spurs your imagination, a movie helps you visualize all the elements of the books that were previously confined to your imagination. It immerses you into the story in a different way than a book. An added benefit of movies is the music and visual designs that enhance the experience of watching a film.

What can books do that movies can t?

5 Things Books Can Do That Movies Can’t

  • Printed words have a power of their own.
  • Books have the power to completely transport you to another world.
  • You are in control of what you see.
  • You get insight into a character’s internal monologue.
  • They don’t have to necessarily be romance heavy.

Why are books better than TV?

Reading a book is a far better experience than watching tv. It’s an opportunity for you to exercise your brain and use your imagination. Not only can you choose where you read, you can pick up and put down a book whenever you want. Reading a book is a far better experience than watching tv.

How is reading a play different from watching it?

Reading is an interpretation that is entirely ones own. You get to find every character on your own. Seeing a play lets you experience that same thing but with the interpretation of others put over it.

What is the advantage of reading a play?

A play is literature before it comes alive in a theater. If a play contains difficult language and allusion, reading it enables us to study it at our leisure and return to parts that demand greater scrutiny. Some plays are actually destined to be read more often than they are acted.

Should I read or watch Shakespeare?

With Shakespeare anyway, the actors bring the play to a life that no amount of reading can compensate. Again, if you are reading it cold. But, having seen it then going back and reading it really opens up the words. Short answer: you should read the play before seeing it.

Why is it important that a play become performed rather than just read?

The characters come to life, as does the way they relate to and interact with each other. And, particularly important in the case of Elizabethan or Jacobean drama, the language becomes more accessible. Not surprisingly, more pleasure and increased understanding is likely to be reflected in much higher grades.

How do I get the most out of reading a play?

Listed below are some suggestions on how you might improve your play reading, enjoy the experience more and remember more of what you read.

  1. Read something about the play.
  2. Set aside enough time to read the play in one sitting.
  3. Read the play aloud.
  4. Try to visualize how the play might appear on the stage.

Why are plays important?

It teaches us about human motivation and psychology. In historical plays we get lessons in leadership and government. In contemporary plays, we learn about people and cultures in different parts or our own country or in other countries. Studies have shown that students who participate in theatre do better in school.

Who is the best playwright of all time?

Best Playwrights of all Time

  • William Shakespeare. 1564 – 1616 (England) List of Best Shakespeare Plays.
  • Anton Chekhov. 1860 – 1904 (Russia)
  • Sophocles. 497 – 406 BC (Greece)
  • Arthur Miller. 1915 – 2005 (America)
  • Henrik Ibsen. 1828 – 1906 (Norway)
  • Samuel Beckett. 1856 – 1950 (Ireland)
  • Moliere. 1622 – 1673 (France)
  • Tennessee Williams. 1911 – 1983 (America)

Why are plays important in society?

Live theatre helps to promote social discourse, dialogue and potential social change. Theatre is a cultural phenomenon that demands that society examines itself in the mirror. We can study societal problems and attempt to find solutions. Coming together as a community to listen to opposing points of view is necessary.

What is the role of drama in society?

One of the essential functions of drama in society — uniting. Theatre gathers different people together. So that drama influences our own lives and our way of thinking, encourages us to review our experience, our principles and change it for the sake of us and our loved ones.

What are the two main types of drama?

The two main genres of drama are tragedy and .

What is the main purpose of drama?

expressing the need for social change, communicating a universal theme, recreating and interpreting information, ideas, and emotions. entertaining, which diverts our attention from our everyday lives.

What is the main function of drama?

The roles of drama ranges from instructive, educative, informative, entertaining, therapeutic, social and cultural to religious and political experiences. It enables us to learn about ourselves, our society and about life in general. It exposes life’s actions and experiences through performances on stage.

What are the five functions of drama?


  • Instructive Functions.
  • Educative Functions.
  • Informative Functions.
  • Entertainment Functions.
  • Therapeutic Functions.

What are the types of drama?

There are four major types of drama: comedy, tragedy, tragicomedy, and melodrama. These types originated at different times, but each of them has its characteristics.

What are the functions of drama in education?

Drama has been shown to develop key skills such as creativity, expression, confidence, communication, teamwork and language. Regular access to the drama class also develops capacities such as empathy and understanding, emotional and social regulation, critical thinking and higher order abstraction skills.

What are the six elements of drama?

The 6 Aristotelean elements are plot, character, thought, diction, spectacle, and song.

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