What are some good topics for an argumentative essay?

What are some good topics for an argumentative essay?


  • Education should be free for everyone.
  • Why are the US citizens rapidly becoming more obese?
  • Internet access must be limited to students.
  • Young people must have a right to choose when it comes to military.
  • Each student must have a right to pick only those disciplines he is interested in.

What are some good history topics?

  • Civil War.
  • Cold War.
  • Great Depression.
  • Holocaust.
  • Inventions & Science.
  • Mexican-American War.
  • Natural Disasters & Environment.
  • Red Scare.

How do you write an argumentative essay for history?

How can you use this evidence?

  1. Make sure the examples you select from your available evidence address your thesis.
  2. Use evidence that your reader will believe is credible.
  3. Use evidence to avoid generalizations.
  4. Use evidence to address an opposing point of view.

What is your historical argument?

The key to a research paper is to have a solid historical argument, in which you provide an explanation for how and why an event unfolded. Historians present their arguments in the form of a thesis statement, a clear and direct declaration of what they’re arguing.

How do historians prove their arguments?

Historians construct arguments through claims, evidence, and reasoning/explanation. We collect evidence from sources like texts, videos, and knowledgeable people to support our reasons. REASONING/EXPLANATION: Reasoning is the explanation for why the evidence supports. the claim.

How do you know if a claim is true?

We might consult a document and use a dictionary or other reference to find out how people have agreed to interpret a word. In this case, the claim is true because free speech is guaranteed in the First Amendment to the Constitution. A valuative claim makes a statement about what is good or bad, right or wrong.

How do you structure an argument?

How to Structure an Argument (Cheat Sheet)

  1. State your thesis clearly. Don’t make it too complex and unwieldy.
  2. Provide background and/ or a context.
  3. State your burden of proof.
  4. State your substantive evidence in a clear and simple way.
  5. Anticipate disagreements and develop a plan on how to deal with them.
  6. Summarise your position carefully and simply.

What are the 5 elements of argument?

The Five Parts of Argument Reason; Evidence; Warrant; Acknowledgement and Response.

What are some argumentative topics?

50 Argumentative Essay Topic Ideas

  • Should fracking be legal?
  • Should parents be able to modify their unborn children?
  • Do GMOs help or harm people?
  • Should vaccinations be required for students to attend public school?
  • Should world governments get involved in addressing climate change?

How do you identify an argumentative essay?

There are three steps to argument identification:

  1. Understand the Context: Is someone trying to convince you of something?
  2. Identify the Conclusion: What are they trying to convince you?
  3. Identify the Reasons: Why do they think you should believe them?

What defines an argument?

1a : the act or process of arguing, reasoning, or discussing : argumentation. b : a coherent series of reasons, statements, or facts intended to support or establish a point of view a defense attorney’s closing argument.

What is a supporting argument?

Think of supporting arguments as mini-papers with mini-thesis statements (sometimes called main ideas). Supporting arguments “back up” your thesis or help “prove” it—to the extent that it can truly be proven. In the following essay, the main idea of each supporting argument is bolded and underlined.

How do you defend an argument?

5 Tips to Properly Argue Your Point

  1. Argue the point, not the person. Someone states their opinion and it makes your blood curdle.
  2. Use data and research as much as you can. If you read a post and disagree, before you respond, do a little research.
  3. Don’t put words in your opponent’s mouth.
  4. Don’t go on a tangent.
  5. Stay positive, polite, and professional.

How do you develop supporting ideas?

Supporting Your Ideas

  1. Responses from an interview.
  2. Results from a survey.
  3. Evidence from research.
  4. Statistics.
  5. A clear and relevant analogy.
  6. A clever metaphor.
  7. Sensory description.
  8. Personal narrative or relative anecdote.

What is main and supporting ideas?

The main idea is the “key concept” being expressed. Details, major and minor, support the main idea by telling how, what, when, where, why, how much, or how many. Locating the topic, main idea, and supporting details helps you understand the point(s) the writer is attempting to express.

What is an example of a main idea?

The main idea is usually a sentence, and it is usually the first sentence. The writer then uses the rest of the paragraph to support the main idea. Let’s use the paragraph below as an example. the main idea (what the writer is saying about the topic) is that summer is a wonderful time at West Beach.

How do you identify supporting details in a passage?

Use a three-step process to identify supporting details.

  1. Step 1: Identify the topic.
  2. Step 2: Identify what the author is saying about the topic.
  3. Step 3: Identify details that support or explain the main idea.
  4. Step 1: Identify the topic.
  5. Step 2: Identify what the author is saying about the topic.

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