What is a source citation example?

What is a source citation example?

Include an in-text citation when you refer to, summarize, paraphrase, or quote from another source. APA in-text citation style uses the author’s last name and the year of publication, for example: (Field, 2005). For direct quotations, include the page number as well, for example: (Field, 2005, p. 14).

What happens when you don’t cite your sources?

Failure to cite basically means that you are claiming that the entire paper and all of its information as yours and, if that’s untrue, it’s plagiarism. For example, if you use a passage and don’t quote it, it doesn’t matter if you cite the source, because you only gave credit for the information, not the words.

What defines a scholarly source?

The term scholarly typically means that the source has been “peer-reviewed,” which is a lengthy editing and review process performed by scholars in the field to check for quality and validity. To determine if your source has been peer-reviewed, you can investigate the journal in which the article was published.

How do you use scholarly sources?

Finding Scholarly Articles

  1. Look for publications from a professional organization.
  2. Use databases such as JSTOR that contain only scholarly sources.
  3. Use databases such as Academic Search Complete or other EBSCO databases that allow you to choose “peer-reviewed journals”.

How do I know if a source is scholarly?

The article is most likely scholarly if:

  1. The source is longer than 10 pages.
  2. Has a works cited or bibliography.
  3. It does not attempt to persuade or bias the reader.
  4. It attempts to persuade or bias the reader, but treats the topic objectively, the information is well-supported, and it includes a works cited or bibliography.

How do you source news?

How to Source for News or Information for Your News Blog

  1. Become a news junkie.
  2. Use Google Alerts.
  3. Use Technorati and Alltop.
  4. Use social bookmarking sites.
  5. a. Boost your traffic.
  6. b. Ask for stories and updates.
  7. c. Create topics that many people can write about.
  8. d. Use various media to call for guest posts.

How do you find good news sources?

Use Library Databases & News Sites You are more likely to get reliable news from library databases or Pulitzer Prize Winning News Sources. Even news sites and online news magazines are less likely to have fake news, though some are biased. More reliable biased sites let you know what their point of view is.

Who listens to NPR?

The majority of the NPR audience (87%) identifies itself as white. Hispanics make up the second largest audience for NPR programming, comprising 7% of all listeners. African-Americans make up 33% of the NPR Jazz station listeners. Lifestyle and consumption patterns are similar for NPR listeners across ethnic groups.

Why is NPR off the air?

Mashable reported that a brief moment of not paying attention at NPR’s office led to the public radio going off the air for a full minute. An apology email from an NPR engineering executive elaborated on what happened: “This error was caused by the head of Engineering Department.

How much do NPR hosts make?

NPR Hosts earn $52,000 annually, or $25 per hour, which is 89% higher than the national average for all Hosts at $20,000 annually and 24% lower than the national salary average for ​all working Americans.

How popular is NPR?

28.5 million people

What is the largest single source of funding for public broadcasting?


How many listeners does NPR have?

34.7 million

What percentage of PBS is funded by the government?

0.01 percent

Who is PBS funded by?

PBS is funded by a combination of member station dues, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, National Datacast, pledge drives, and donations from both private foundations and individual citizens.

Is NPR and PBS the same?

The new organization initially collaborated with the National Educational Television network—which would become the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS). On February 26, 1970, the CPB formed National Public Radio (NPR), a network of public-radio stations. Unlike PBS, NPR produces and distributes programming.

What percentage of NPR funding is from the government?

While NPR does not receive any direct federal funding, it does receive a small number of competitive grants from CPB and federal agencies like the Department of Education and the Department of Commerce. This funding amounts to approximately 2% of NPR’s overall revenues.

Is NPR a non profit?

NPR is an independent, nonprofit media organization that was founded on a mission to create a more informed public.

How is CPB funded?

CPB is a private nonprofit corporation that is fully funded by the federal government. Ninety-five percent of CPB’s appropriation goes directly to local public media stations, content development, community services, and other local station and system needs.

What does the CPB do?

CPB is the steward of the federal government’s investment in public broadcasting and the largest single source of funding for public radio, television, and related online and mobile services. CPB’s mission is to ensure universal access to non-commercial, high-quality content and telecommunications services.

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