How do you use et al?

How do you use et al?

In et al., et should not be followed by a period. Only “al” should be followed by a period. Since et al. is plural, it should always be a substitute for more than one name. In the case that et al. would stand in for just one author, write the author’s name instead.

Where does et al come from?

Et al. comes from the Latin phrase meaning “and others.” It is usually styled with a period, but you will occasionally see et al as well. Et al. typically stands in for two or more names, especially in bibliographical information.

Can you use et al in a greeting?

The use of et al. is not standard in greetings, so people will stumble over it, wondering whether they missed an important new rule somewhere. Writers using the unusual greeting will worry about how to punctuate after it, and their readers will spend time questioning whatever punctuation choice the writers make.

What does et al mean in legal terms?

(et-ahl Abbreviation for the Latin phrase “et alia,” meaning “and others.” This is commonly used in shortening the name of a court case, so that instead of listing all the plaintiffs or defendants, one of them will be listed followed by the term “et al.”

What does et al mean in property?

What Is Et Al. Short For? This is a Latin phrase that is short for “et alia.” It means “and others,” and is commonly used in legal documents to reference the family or people involved.

What does C O mean on a deed?

in care of

What is et ux legal term?

(et-ux-or) Latin for “and wife.” Often appears in its abbreviated form, et ux. In older deeds and documents, the phrase was used to indicate that a property was owned by a couple, consisting of a named man and his unidentified wife (for example, John Smith et ux.).

What does ETUX stand for?

(et uhks) n. abbreviation for the Latin words et uxor meaning “and wife.” It is usually found in deeds, tax assessment rolls and other documents in the form “John Alden et ux,” to show that the wife as well as the husband own property.

What does et al and ETUX mean?

This is a Latin phrase that is short for “et alia.” It means “and others,” and is commonly used in legal documents to reference the family or people involved. Legal documents must list every person involved by using their first and last names one time.

What is the difference between et al and ET UX?

ET AL is used to include multiple names and both genders (ex. Susie Smith, ET AL). ET UX is used as “and wife” behind the husband’s name (ex. John Doe, ET UX).

What does et al mean on tax bill?

additional owners

What does C O mean on property deed?

What does et al mean quizlet?

Means “and others” What does the term “et al” mean? “et al” is used when… Used for in-text citations of research papers having many authors. You just studied 32 terms!

What does et al mean in psychology?

and others

How do you write italic et al?

Latin and italics: “et al.” is not italicized or underlined (van Leunen, p. 27: “Write it without either underlining or italics.”; Chicago Manual of Style 7.56: “Commonly used Latin words and abbreviations should not be italicized.

How do you write et al in a literature review?

A work by more than three authors Again, with more than three authors, write the last name of the first author followed by et al. every time you cite the source. One again, use the first author’s last name only. Then, write et al.

Why do we write et al?

Academic writing is full of little conventions that may seem opaque to the uninitiated. One of these is the Latin phrase et al., an abbreviation meaning “and others.” It is used to shorten lists of author names in text citations to make repeated referencing shorter and simpler.

Does et al need a period?

The “al” in “et al.” is always followed by a period. This is because the term is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase “et alia”—the period indicates that it is an abbreviation: et al. et.

How do you make et al possessive?

In the possessive form, et al. is followed by an apostrophe and an s: Simon et al.’s (2000) contribution to research … Latin words are sometimes italicised in English text, but abbreviations should not be in italics, unless the publisher requires it.

Does a comma come before et al?

In MLA style, a comma is generally only used before et al. in the “Author” slot of works-cited-list entries when the author’s first and last names are reversed: Burdick, Anne, et al.

Do you put a comma after et al?

The phrase “et al.”—from the Latin et alii, which literally means “and others”—must always be typed with a space between the two words and with a period after the “l” (since the “al.” is an abbreviation). A comma does not follow the abbreviation unless the sentence’s grammar requires it.

How do you use et al at the end of a sentence?

Since “et al.” is an abbreviation of the latin et alii meaning “and others” the period in “et al.” should be treated as periods in any other abbreviation such as “cf.”, “Op. Cit.”, “conf.”, “c.”.

Do you put a comma after an author’s name?

But in the example below, no commas are used around the by phrases because the authors’ names are needed to distinguish works with the same title: I am reading Life after Life by Jill McCorkle, not Life after Life by Kate Atkinson.

What are the 4 types of phrases?

A phrase is a group of words that express a concept and is used as a unit within a sentence. Eight common types of phrases are: noun, verb, gerund, infinitive, appositive, participial, prepositional, and absolute.

Do you put a comma between thank you and someone name?

EXCEPTION TO ANSWERS: The answers stating that a comma must follow “thank you” and precede the name, as in “Thank you, Frank” are correct, of course. This is because the person is being directly addressed.

How important is a comma?

Commas, commas, and more commas. Commas help your reader figure out which words go together in a sentence and which parts of your sentences are most important. Using commas incorrectly may confuse the reader, signal ignorance of writing rules, or indicate carelessness.

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