How do you begin to explain a quote?

How do you begin to explain a quote?

ICE: Introduce, Cite, and Explain Your Evidence

  1. According to Michael Smith, “you should use the author’s first and last name when you cite that author for the first time in your paper” (1).
  2. As Smith explains, “you can introduce your quotes with a number of different phrases” (1).

How do you describe a quote in an essay?

The following general steps address how to properly integrate a quotation into an essay.

  1. Step 1: Introduce the Author of the Quotation.
  2. Step 2: State the Quotation.
  3. Step 3: Summarize the Quotation.
  4. Step 4: Analyze the Quotation.
  5. Step 5: State the Quotation’s Relevance to Your Argument.

How do you describe something in a quote?

When writers insert or alter words in a direct quotation, square brackets—[ ]—are placed around the change. The brackets, always used in pairs, enclose words intended to clarify meaning, provide a brief explanation, or to help integrate the quote into the writer’s sentence.

What does famous quote mean?

An explicit reference or allusion in an artistic work to a passage or element from another, usually well-known work: “Direct quotations from other paintings are fairly sparse” (Robert Hughes).

How do I unpack a quote?

SCAR All Together When unpacking a quote you want to make sure that you properly Setup the quote, establish the Context where the quote came from, Analyze the quote and establish the importance to your paper, and finally incorporate the quote into the Reason of your paper.

What does it mean to unpack a quote?

After students set-up their quotes, it is imperative that they unpack it. When a student unpacks a quotes, s/he explains its significance, connecting the quote to their claim by explaining their thinking. Super hard and super academic work that many students struggle with!

Do All essays need quotes?

A standard 5-paragraph essay will imply you to use 2-3 quotes in the main body. More quotes aren’t necessary for such a short assignment. Two quotes in the main body will do just fine. In the main body paragraph, a quote is placed in the middle of the passage.

How do you introduce a quote in an essay?

Integrating Quotations into Sentences

  1. Introduce the quotation with a complete sentence and a colon.
  2. Use an introductory or explanatory phrase, but not a complete sentence, separated from the quotation with a comma.
  3. Make the quotation a part of your own sentence without any punctuation between your own words and the words you are quoting.

Are exclamation marks rude?

An exclamation mark usually shows strong feeling, such as surprise, anger or joy. Using an exclamation mark when writing is rather like shouting or raising your voice when speaking. You should avoid using exclamation marks in formal writing, unless absolutely necessary. …

Are exclamation marks flirty?

The exclamation point is the most valuable punctuation mark you have in your arsenal, but it’s also the most dangerous. However, when used properly, an exclamation point can set a light, flirtatious tone… can convey excitement… and can even demonstrate interest in the person.

What does 3 exclamation marks mean in texting?

The three exclamation points are used to end a sentence, which may or may not be the last one in a text. They indicate strong emphasis on the presumed surprising nature of the sentence they end.

Can we use exclamation mark after thanks?

It is interesting to note that “thanks” is not used as an interjection, but as a verb(in OP’s case). A much better approach is to either put an exclamation mark at the end of the sentence or to avoid punctuating around the verb thanks. Thanks for the LIC receipt.

How do you write thank you with name?

EXCEPTION TO ANSWERS: The answers stating that a comma must follow “thank you” and precede the name, as in “Thank you, Frank” are correct, of course. This is because the person is being directly addressed.

What does 2 exclamation points mean in text?

Double Exclamation Mark emoji is two exclamation points next to each other. Exclamation points are used to express shock or surprise, but two exclamation points show an even more extreme form of shock that one exclamation point is just not enough to express.

What should I put after thank you?

10 English Phrases for Responding to “Thank You”

  1. You’re welcome.
  2. No problem.
  3. No worries.
  4. Don’t mention it.
  5. My pleasure.
  6. Anytime.
  7. It was the least I could do.
  8. Glad to help.

How do you say thank you in different ways?

Ways to Say Thank You

  1. Thanks.
  2. Many thanks.
  3. Thanks a lot.
  4. Thanks a bunch.
  5. Thank you very much.
  6. It’s very kind of you.
  7. I really appreciate it.
  8. Thank you for everything.

Is it correct to say thank you everyone?

“Thank you everyone” flows the most smoothly, but “thanks to all” is okay. That one is usually followed by further speech, however, as in “thanks to all who showed up/contributed today”. “Thank you everyone” can stand alone, and also works nicely as a concluding sentence if you’re giving a short speech.

Is it thank you or thank you?

Thank you, thankyou or thank-you? Never hyphenate this word. It’s either ‘Thank you’ or ‘Thankyou’. And most of the time, ‘thank you’ is the correct choice.

Can you say thank you all?

“Thank you all” is correct because the “I” is implied. The verb “to thank” is correctly conjugated as “thank” for the subject “I.” Correct as is! The word “you”, in English, can be singular or plural.

Can you write thank you as one word?

Thank You as Two Words As a verb phrase, ‘thank you’ is always two words. Or to put it another way, you should always use two words for the act of thanking someone: Thank you for walking my dog. We can also use this term as a noun (i.e. something given as thanks):

How do you say thank you meaningfully?

Other Ways to Say “Thank You So Much” and “Thank You Very Much” in Writing

  1. 1 Thank you for all your hard work on this.
  2. 2 Thanks again, we couldn’t have pulled this off without you.
  3. 3 Thank you, you’re amazing!
  4. 4 I’m so thankful for everything you bring to the table.
  5. 5 Thank you kindly.
  6. 6 Thanks a million.
  7. 7 Many thanks.

How do you write a beautiful thank you note?


  1. Greeting. Don’t forget to make sure you’re using the correct form and spelling of the person’s name, as well as anyone else’s mentioned in the note.
  2. Express your thanks. Begin with the two most important words: Thank you.
  3. Add specific details.
  4. Look ahead.
  5. Restate your thanks.
  6. End with your regards.

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