How do you cite Wikipedia in APA?

How do you cite Wikipedia in APA?

If you’re sure you want to cite Wikipedia, make sure to correctly format the citation according to the citation style you’re following….How to cite Wikipedia in APA Style.

Format Article title. (Year, Month Day). In Wikipedia. URL
In-text citation (“Evolutionary history,” 2020)

How do you cite a Wikipedia page?

Structure to follow to cite a Wikipedia article in MLA style: “Article Title.” Website Title, Publisher, Day Month Year updated, URL. Reference example: “Special Relativity.” Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, 29 July 2019,

What is an example of a credible source?

The most common credible sources are scholarly journals, conference papers and books because these have been peer-reviewed (read and approved for publication by other authors). However, there are good websites that can be used; generally ending in . gov / . edu / .

What sources should be avoided?

What sources should be avoided?

  • out-of-date materials (published over 10 years ago);
  • posts from social networks (i.e. facebook);
  • blogs;
  • research articles without citations;
  • websites ending in .com, . org, . net etc.

What defines a credible source?

A credible source is one that is written by someone who is an expert in their discipline and is free of errors and bias. This guide explains the difference between credible, scholarly and peer-reviewed sources.

Which source is the most reliable?

Academic journal articles are probably the most reliable source of current thinking in your field. To be the most reliable they need to be peer reviewed. This means that other academics have read them before publication and checked that they are making claims that are backed up by their evidence.

Are the search result coming from reliable sources Why?

Answer: some are not – it’s up to you to evaluate, but the answer is Yes because there is no search result if reliable sources doesn’t exist. Explanation: A reliable source is one that provides a thorough, well-reasoned theory, argument, discussion, etc.

How do you know a journal is credible?

The credibility of a journal may be assessed by examining several key factors:

  1. Where is it indexed? Is the journal included or indexed in the major bibliographic databases for the field?
  2. What is its publishing history? How long has the journal been available?
  3. Is it peer-reviewed?
  4. What is its impact factor?

How do I find a reliable source online?

Scholarly databases are your best friend when it comes to finding credible sources for research. Online scholarly databases that can be trusted and are known to provide useful information for students include LexisNexis and EBSCO.

Where can I find credible articles?

Recommended credible research websites

Website Subject
Smithsonian Magazine The Smithsonian Institute’s official online magazine, offering a variety of articles on history, science, arts and culture, technology and more. The Institute is administered by the US Government.

Why the source is reliable?

In general, print publications with authors and listed sources tend to be reliable because they provide sources which readers can verify. That a source is in print or posted on the Web does not automatically make it trustworthy. You can always find information on any source.

What is the best site for medical information?

  • Medline Plus.
  • Mayo Clinic.
  • Orphanet.
  • Medgadget.
  • WebMD.
  • SPM ePatients blog.

What are 3 sources of reliable health information?

health brochures in your local hospital, doctor’s office or community health centre. telephone helplines such as NURSE-ON-CALL or Directline. your doctor or pharmacist. reliable health information websites, such as government sites, condition-specific sites, support organisation sites, and medical journals.

What is the most reliable medical website?

Here are eight credible, user-friendly health sites you can feel good about recommending to your patients:

  • National Institutes of Health.
  • American Diabetes Association.
  • Mayo Clinic.
  • MedlinePlus.
  • Cleveland Clinic.
  • Family
  • HeartHub.

Can Healthline be trusted?

All Healthline content is medically reviewed or fact checked to ensure as much factual accuracy as possible. We have strict sourcing guidelines and only link to reputable media sites, academic research institutions and, whenever possible, medically peer reviewed studies.

What websites doctors use?

Top 10 Medical Websites for Doctors

  • PubMed.
  • MedScape.
  • WebMD.
  • WHO.
  • UptoDate.
  • ClinicalKey.
  • MedicineNet.
  • American Medical Association.

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