What is an extended example in writing?

What is an extended example in writing?

Extended examples are used when a presenter is discussing a more complicated topic that they think their audience may be unfamiliar with. In an extended example a speaker may want to use a chart, graph, or other visual aid to help the audience understand the example.

How do you write a definition?

There are a few basic guidelines to follow when writing a definition:

  1. Wiktionary is a dictionary, not an encyclopedia. A definition does not need to contain every piece of information known about a subject.
  2. Keep it simple.
  3. Avoid complicated terms.
  4. Avoid specialized terms.
  5. Avoid circularity.

What does purposely mean?

Purposely means “on purpose” or “not by accident,” while purposefully means “indicating the existence of a purpose.” Although very similar, in context “purposefully” is usually used to indicate a greater level of intent or deliberate aim, as opposed to “purposely.”

What’s the difference between purposely and purposefully?

When you use purposely in a sentence, it should be synonymous with intentionally and on purpose. When you use purposefully in a sentence, it should mean “in a way that shows determination and resolve” or, put more simply, “full of purpose.” The opposite of purposefully would be close to negligently or carelessly.

What is it called when someone does something on purpose?

deliberately; on purpose; intentionally; deliberate; intended; conscious; premeditated; wilfully; with intent; willfully; purposely; designedly; by choice; by design; advisedly.

What does it mean to act purposefully?

Something purposeful is done on purpose: it’s meant to achieve an aim. Lots of things happen accidentally or randomly, but other things have a purpose. Such things can be called purposeful. Going to college, starting a family, giving to a charity, and adopting a dog are all purposeful acts.

What makes a purposeful life?

A purposeful life is when you are moving towards a big goal in your life that aligns with your values, passions and makes you happy. This is harder than it sounds because finding your purpose in life is not always easy.

What is a purposeful person?

adjective. If someone is purposeful, they show that they have a definite aim and a strong desire to achieve it. She had a purposeful air, and it became evident that this was not a casual visit. Synonyms: determined, resolved, resolute, decided More Synonyms of purposeful.

What does unimaginative mean?

: having or showing a lack of imagination or originality : not imaginative unimaginative people an unimaginative menu a predictable and unimaginative plot.

What does mediocre mean?

: of moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performance : ordinary, so-so.

What does Oblivious mean?

lacking remembrance, memory, or mindful attention

What is a prosaic?

prosaic • \proh-ZAY-ik\ • adjective. 1 : characteristic of prose as distinguished from poetry : factual 2 : dull, unimaginative 3 : everyday, ordinary.

What does embodied mean?

1 : to give a body to (a spirit) : incarnate. 2a : to deprive of spirituality. b : to make concrete and perceptible. 3 : to cause to become a body or part of a body : incorporate. 4 : to represent in human or animal form : personify men who greatly embodied the idealism of American life— A. M. Schlesinger born 1917.

What’s a foreshadowing?

Foreshadowing is a literary device used to give an indication or hint of what is to come later in the story. Foreshadowing is useful for creating suspense, a feeling of unease, a sense of curiosity, or a mark that things may not be as they seem. In the definition of foreshadowing, the word “hint” is key.

What does humdrum mean?

dull, boring, and ordinary

What does hurtle mean?

Hurtle is a verb with two meanings: “to move rapidly or forcefully,” as in “The stone was hurtling through the air,” and “to hurl or fling,” as in “I hurtled the stone into the air.” Note that the first use is intransitive: the stone isn’t hurtling anything; it itself is simply hurtling.

What does alight mean?

(Entry 1 of 2) intransitive verb. 1 : to come down from something (such as a vehicle): such as. a : dismount They alighted from the bus.

What does monotonous mean?

1 : uttered or sounded in one unvarying tone : marked by a sameness of pitch and intensity. 2 : tediously uniform or unvarying.

Which word is same as monotonous?

SYNONYMS FOR monotonous 1 tedious, humdrum, boring, dull.

Can a person be monotonous?

Anything tedious or humdrum is probably monotonous. If someone says you’re being monotonous, try to vary your tone of voice or the things you’re talking about.

What does catastrophic mean?

adjective. of the nature of a catastrophe, or disastrous event; calamitous: a catastrophic failure of the dam.

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