What are the three orders of Greek temple design?
There were three main architectural styles (so-called orders of Greek architecture) in ancient Greece: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian. The names of the orders are derived from the Greek regions where they were most commonly employed.
What are Greek columns made of?
Columns were carved of local stone, usually limestone or tufa; in much earlier temples, columns would have been made of wood. Marble was used in many temples, such as the Parthenon in Athens, which is decorated with Pentelic marble and marble from the Cycladic island of Paros.
Why are Greek columns fluted?
Fluting promotes a play of light on a column which helps the column appear more perfectly round than a smooth column. As a strong vertical element it also has the visual effect of minimizing any horizontal joints. Greek architects viewed rhythm as an important design element.
What buildings use Doric columns?
Columns in this style can be found throughout Capitol Hill, including the U.S. Capitol, the Supreme Court Building, the Russell Senate Office Building and the Cannon House Office Building.
Where are Corinthian columns found?
Columns in this style can be found inside and outside of the buildings on Capitol Hill, including the U.S. Capitol, the Supreme Court Building, the Russell Senate Office Building, the Cannon House Office Building and the Library of Congress.
What is the definition of Corinthian?
1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of Corinth or Corinthians. 2 : of or relating to the lightest and most ornate of the three ancient Greek architectural orders distinguished especially by its large capitals decorated with carved acanthus leaves — see order illustration.
What is entablature architecture?
Entablature, in architecture, assemblage of horizontal moldings and bands supported by and located immediately above the columns of Classical buildings or similar structural supports in non-Classical buildings. Corinthian entablature. Corinthian entablature.
What do Doric columns represent?
A Doric column has a very plain, straightforward design, much more simple than the later Ionic and Corinthian column styles. A Doric column is also thicker and heavier than an Ionic or Corinthian column. For this reason, the Doric column is sometimes associated with strength and masculinity.
What type of columns were used on the Parthenon quizlet?
Doric- Used on Parthenon; Ionic- curly capital; Corinthian- narrow to wide capital.
Which architectural order is used in the Parthenon?
Which of the following results when arches are joined at the top with their legs forming a circle?
Term Which of the following results when arches are joined at the top with their legs forming a circle? | Definition Dome |
Term the relationship of shapes is called: | Definition proportion |
Term Sculpture designed to be seen from only one side is: | Definition relief |